Kenny Wells: God, we work hard in this business. Sometimes for nothing. I wake up every morning. I tell myself, "I don't have to do this. I get to do this." And then it's just blue skies. Blue skies, baby.

Tyrone 'Rone' Woods: Payback's a bitch and her stripper name is Karma.

Dr. Louise Banks: If you could see your whole life from start to finish, would you change things?

Karl Zielinski: Mary, a person with an engineer's mind should be an engineer. You can't be a computer the rest of your life.
Mary Jackson: Mr. Zielinski, I'm a negro woman. I'm not gonna entertain the impossible.
Karl Zielinski: And I'm a Polish Jew whose parents died in a Nazi prison camp. Now I'm standing beneath a spaceship that's going to carry an astronaut to the stars. I think we can say we are living the impossible. Let me ask you, if you were a white male, would you wish to be an engineer?
Mary Jackson: I wouldn't have to. I'd already be one.

Florence Foster Jenkins: People may say I couldn't sing, but no one can ever say I didn't sing.

Eddie Edwards: I've been kicked off every team before I even got a chance to prove myself.

Edward Snowden: And ultimately, the truth sinks in that no matter what justification you're selling yourself, this is not about terrorism. Terrorism is the excuse. This is about economic and social control. And the only thing you're really protecting is the supremacy of your government.

Elizabeth Sloane: Lobbying is about foresight. About anticipating your opponent's moves and devising counter measures. The winner plots one step ahead of the opposition. And plays her trump card just after they play theirs. It's about making sure you surprise them. And they don't surprise you.

Charles Porter: Mr. Skiles, is there anything you would have done differently?
Jeff Skiles: Yes. I'd do it in July.

Katherine Russell: For a Muslim woman, marriage is a lilting dance of duality, strength and submission. Beautiful, selfless, rapturous love of two masters, the carnal and the divine. The life a Muslim woman lives is a dangerous and difficult one. If she does not submit to her husband, there is a spot reserved for her in Hell. Yes. My husband kissed me before he left, and he will kiss me again when I see him in Heaven. And you can't prove anything.

Christy Beam: I lost my faith. Because of that, I didn't see what was all around me. Albert Einstein said there are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle and the other is as though everything is a miracle. I'm the first to tell you I wasn't living my life as though everything is a miracle. I missed a lot. Miracles are everywhere.

Prosecutor: There is only one question that any military court need ask of the accused: do you deny disobeying Col. Sangston's direct orders?
Judge: Well, do you, Private?
Desmond Doss: No, sir, I don't.
Judge: Why are you contesting it, then? Why is it so important to you, given your refusal to even touch a weapon to serve in a combat unit?
Desmond Doss: Because when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, I took it personal. Everyone I knew was on fire to join up, including me. There were two men in my hometown declared 4-F unfit, they killed themselves cause they couldn't serve. Why, I had a job in a defense plant and I could've taken a deferment, but that ain't right. It isn't right that other men should fight and die, that I would just be sitting at home safe. I need to serve. I got the energy and the passion to serve as a medic, right in the middle with the other guys. No less danger, just... while everybody else is taking life, I'm going to be saving it.

Ben: When you have sex with a woman, be gentle and listen to her. Treat her with respect and dignity even if you don't love her.
Bo: I know.
Ben: Always tell the truth. Always take the high road.
Bo: I know.
Ben: Live each day like it could be your last. Drink it in. Be adventurous, be bold, but savour it. It goes fast.
Bo: I know.
Ben: Don't die.
Bo: I won't.

Mona: Here's what I do when I'm feeling down. I get very quiet and very still. And I say to myself, "Everyone in the world is as miserable and empty as I am. They're just better at pretending." Try it sometime. It might bring you some peace.

Richard Livesey: Maybe we take these guys in and come back out.
Bernie Webber: We can't live 'em out here alone. That boat won't last. We all live, or we all die.