Conor: Your stories never made sense to me.
The Monster: Because humans are complicated beasts. You believe comforting lies, while knowing full well the painful truth that makes those lies necessary. In the end, Conor, it is not important what you think. It is only important what you do.
Conor: So what do I do?
The Monster: What you did just now. You speak the truth.
Conor: That's all?
The Monster: You think it's easy? You were willing to die rather than speak it.

Gaurav Chandna: Forget it. You won't understand.

Lady Susan Vernon: Ah, mortality. Our mortality and that of others, but most particularly our own, is the hardest and most intractable hand life can deal us.

Lady Bird Johnson: Do you know why I married you? I had other offers, but I chose you. Do you know why?
Lyndon B. Johnson: I have no earthly idea.
Lady Bird Johnson: Because you asked.

Ray Kroc: If you've got time to lean, then you've got time to clean.

Jesus: Hate, anger, fear. Those are lies they use to turn you against each other. When you set aside the hate they force you to carry, that's when you know love is our true nature.

Katherine: I'd rather stop you breathing than have you doubt how I feel.

Lee Chandler: I can't beat it. I can't beat it. I'm sorry.

Dan Frost: Them Bishop boys are coming for you? You don't need a gunslinger. You need a goddamn regiment.

Robert Mazur: Roberto, I am glad you are here. But there is a part of me that wishes you hadn't taken that risk.
Roberto Alcaino: Without family or friends what kinda world it is be. There will be no reason to be alive. Hmm? It's a good day.