Mona: Here's what I do when I'm feeling down. I get very quiet and very still. And I say to myself, "Everyone in the world is as miserable and empty as I am. They're just better at pretending." Try it sometime. It might bring you some peace.

Richard Livesey: Maybe we take these guys in and come back out.
Bernie Webber: We can't live 'em out here alone. That boat won't last. We all live, or we all die.

Tanner Howard: Are you trying to make me mad? I said Dr. Pepper. This is Mr. Pibb.
Toby Howard: That's all they had.
Tanner Howard: Only assholes drink Mr. Pibb.
Toby Howard: Drink up.

Claire: What was that thing you said about Einstein in there?
Raffi: Einstein called time a stubbornly persistant illusion.
Claire: Whats that even mean.
Raffi: Time doesn't go from January to December, or from noon to midnight. You know we all just make it that way in our heads.
Claire: That's absurd! Try telling that to a person who's an hour late to a wedding, or that's just been sentenced to 20 years in jail.
Raffi: Or someone fighting the baby clock.

Manny: So now when you masturbate you think about your mom?

Sook-Hee: I need to remind myself that I want to be rich and then travel somewhere far, eat foreign foods, buy bright shiny things and, most importantly... forget about Hideko.

Anita Hill: Why are you doing this?
Charles Ogletree: I've got students more qualified than Thomas. Plus, I believe you.
Anita Hill: What about tenure?
Charles Ogletree: Hell, in 24 hours, I'll be able to get any job I want. Fuck tenure.

Larry Snyder: You can run. And boy, can you jump. What I want to know is - can you win?

Sebastian: I'm letting life hit me until it gets tired. Then I'll hit back. It's a classic rope-a-dope.

Dr. Franks: You had an injury to your head. You got hurt, right? When you were young? Do you remember how it happened?
Jericho Stewart: Yeah. My mother told my daddy that he wasn't my daddy. So he called her a whore and throw... me out the car window.

Edward Sheffield: When you love someone you have to be careful with it, you might never get it again.

Buster Moon: When you've reached rock bottom, there's only one way to go, and that's up.

Volmer: Do you know what the cure for the human condition is? Disease. Because that's the only way one could hope for a cure.