Jerry Heller: What's NWA stand for, anyway?"No Whites Allowed", something like that?
Eazy-E: No... Ni**az Wit' Attitudes.

Rocky: I should've stopped the fight with your father. I'm stopping this one now.
Donnie: Don't, okay? Let me finish. I gotta prove it.
Rocky: Prove what?
Donnie: That I'm not a mistake.
Rocky: Look at me. I never got a chance to thank Apollo for helping me out after Mickey died. But it's nothing compared to what you've done. You taught me how to fight again, and I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna fight this thing. But if I fight, I want you to fight too. I want you to go across this ring and knock that son of a bitch down. Can you do it? [Donnie nods.] Say it!
Donnie: I'm gonna knock that son of a bitch down.
Rocky: I know you are. You know why? Because you're a Creed, and I love you, kid.
Donnie: [Whispers] I love you too.

Emma: You left my daughter alone? If you're not already dead, I'm going to fucking kill you.

Hank: I'm asking you to stand up, to make a decision, to change, to forgive, and to be forgiven.

Owens: I took you off the street. Taught you my trade. I taught you my passion. Three generations of skills. And in spite of all my earnest efforts, in spite of all my hard work, you turned into a good person.

Lt. General Frank Benson: Never tell a soldier that he does not know the cost of war.

Phil: Man loses his wife, he's a widower. Child loses a parent, they're an orphan. But losing a child... there is no word for this. And it shouldn't be.

Carol Aird: Harge, I want you to be happy. I didn't give you that. I failed you. We both could have given more, but... we gave each other Rindy. And that is the most breathtaking, the most generous, of gifts.

Bill Bryson: Writers don't retire. We either drink ourselves to death or blow our brains out.
TV Host: What will it be for you?
Bill Bryson: After this interview, probably both.

Kate Kavanagh: What was he like?
Anastasia Steele: He was polite. Intense. Smart. Really intimidating.

Edith Cushing: You're monsters. Both of you.
Lucille Sharpe: Funny. That's the last thing Mother said, too.

Mark Baum: I don't get it. Why are they confessing?
Danny Moses: They're not confessing.
Porter Collins: They're bragging.

Ellis Jones: You know they have a saying in Italy. "Anni, amori, e bicchieri di vino, no che contato mai."
Adaline Bowman: Years, lovers... wine cups?
Ellis Jones: Years, lovers, and glasses of wine. These are things that should never be counted.
Adaline Bowman: You have no idea.

Prema Mutiso: I can't tell what you are more afraid of: what you will find or what you won't.