Special Agent James Ross: She got the drop on me in my home, and she told me that if I don't bring her the whereabouts of this man, she's going to kill a member of my family every week until I have none left.
Richard: Are you kidding me?
Special Agent James Ross: Does it seem to you that I would make something like this up? So why don't you just tell me what I should do?
Richard: Call 9-1-1.
Thadeous: I shouldn't even be here! I will probably die on this quest, and Courtney definitely will!
David Norris: All I have are the choices I make, and I choose her, come what may.
Chloe Patterson: Mom says you see them.
Will Atenton: Yeah.
Chloe Patterson: Could you tell them how much I miss them?
Will Atenton: Yeah.
Sherlock Holmes: Uh, hmm... Right. Where are the wagons?
Madam Simza Heron: The wagon is too slow. Can't you ride?
Dr. John Watson: It's not that he can't ride... How is it you put it, Holmes?
Sherlock Holmes: They're dangerous at both ends and... Crafty in the middle. Why would I want anything with a mind of its own bobbing about between my legs?
Danny Greene: Why stick our nose in Vietnam? The English have been doing that to the Irish for the last 2000 years. And by the way, how are we gonna pay for it, huh? Deficit spending, my ass! Next thing you know, we'll be going off the gold standard, this country's going to hell.
Sgt. Major: At fourteen forty six pacific standard time, twelve different locations across the globe were breached in what appears to have been a coordinated attack by an unknown enemy. This is a textbook military invasion. We are the last offensive force on the west coast. We cannot lose Los Angeles.
Joseph Crone: What does it say about me that I find it much easier to believe in the Devil than I do in God?
Blake: What are all these sharks doing here?
Nick: I dunno. Maybe someone put them there.
Sergeant Joe Tane: There's bad shit going on here. Bad shit.
Captain Ben Grogan: Bastards. Fucking Nazi bastards.
Sergeant Joe Tane: No. That's not our war, that's not our fight. The gun, that's our mission.
Captain Ben Grogan: Fuck the mission.
Sergeant Joe Tane: Jesus Christ. We leave, now. We get out alive, we get back home. We get fucking medals for this. The girls will be falling all over us.
Captain Ben Grogan: Give me ten minutes, Joe.
Sergeant Joe Tane: Five.
Sam Carter: And the last place you want to be is cooped up with a dozen of Norwegian guys.
The Phantom: So it is to be war between us! If these demands are not met a disaster beyond all imagination will occur.
Ben: Wait, let me put down the only effective weapon to attend to a lady in distress.
Johnny Blaze: That's the guy? He looks like he works on a cruise ship.
Nadya: Am I gonna regret taking you?
Johnny Blaze: Um, yeah, probably.