Roman Pearce: You know, I think I make a better special agent than you ever did.
Brian O'Conner: I guess that depends on how you define 'special'.

US Army soldier: Wait! You know what you're doing?
Steve Rogers: Yeah, I've knocked out Adolf Hitler over 200 times.

Detective Sergeant Tom Brant: A word of advice, girls. If you're picking the wrong fight... At least pick the right weapon.

John: You have no idea of what I'm capable of.

Control: All I want from you is one codename: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier...
George Smiley: ...Spy.

Carl Van Loon: Your powers are a gift from God, or whoever the hell wrote your life script.

Erik Lehnsherr: I've been at the mercy of men just following orders. Never again.

Wise Man: Don't ever write a check with your mouth you can't cash with your ass.

John Tuld: So, what you're telling me, is that the music is about to stop, and we're going to be left holding the biggest bag of odorous excrement ever assembled in the history of capitalism.
Peter Sullivan: Sir, I not sure that I would put it that way, but let me clarify using your analogy. What this model shows is the music, so to speak, just slowing. If the music were to stop, as you put it, then this model wouldn't even be close to that scenario. It would be considerably worse.
John Tuld: Let me tell you something, Mr. Sullivan. Do you care to know why I'm in this chair with you all? I mean, why I earn the big bucks.
Peter Sullivan: Yes.
John Tuld: I'm here for one reason and one reason alone. I'm here to guess what the music might do a week, a month, a year from now. That's it. Nothing more. And standing here tonight, I'm afraid that I don't hear - a - thing. Just... Silence.

Colter Stevens: What would you do if you knew you only had one minute to live?
Christina Warren: I'd make those seconds count.
Colter Stevens: I'd kiss you again.
Christina Warren: Again?

Philippe Weis: For a few to be immortal, many must die.
Will Salas: Wrong!

Sergeant Gerry Boyle: Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, these men are armed and dangerous, and you being an FBI agent you're more used to shooting at unarmed women and children...
FBI agent Wendell Everett: Oh, fuck you, Sergeant!

Arthur Bishop: Good judgment comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgment.

Bernie Rose: Here's what I'm prepared to offer. You give me the money, the girl is safe. Forever. Nobody knows about her. She's off the map. I can't offer you the same. So, this is what I would suggest. We conclude our deal. We'll shake hands. You start the rest of your life. Any dreams you have, or plans, or hopes for your future... I think you're going to have to put that on hold. For the rest of your life you're going to be looking over your shoulder. I'm just telling you this because I want you to know the truth. But the girl is safe.

Special Agent James Ross: She got the drop on me in my home, and she told me that if I don't bring her the whereabouts of this man, she's going to kill a member of my family every week until I have none left.
Richard: Are you kidding me?
Special Agent James Ross: Does it seem to you that I would make something like this up? So why don't you just tell me what I should do?
Richard: Call 9-1-1.