Title Card: "The battle against the Devil, which is the principal task of Saint Michael the Archangel, is still being fought today, because the Devil is still alive and active in the world." - Pope John Paul II.
Title Card: What follows is inspired by true events.
Father Lucas Trevant: You do not speak to it. It is the devil.
Michael Kovak: Dude, I've looked into it. It's a four-year degree before you even take your first vows. If it doesn't work out, I can always leave.
Eddie: Wow. Such faith.
Michael Kovak: I believe that people prefer to lie to themselves than face the truth.
Father Lucas Trevant: You know, the interesting thing about sceptics, is that we're always looking for proof... the question is, what on earth would we ever do if we found it?
Rosaria: A liar knows a liar.
Father Xavier: Tell me, Michael, do you believe in sin?
Michael Kovak: Yeah, I just don't necessarily believe the devil makes us do it.
Father Xavier: He that committeth sin is of the devil.
Michael Kovak: Then that'd be all of us, wouldn't it? And if we're all of the devil, how do we fight him?
Father Lucas Trevant: Be careful Michael, choosing not to believe in the devil doesn't protect you from him.