Flynn Rider: They just can't get my nose right.

Bella Swan: Should I come back?
Jacob Black: I need some time, but I'll always be waiting.
Bella Swan: Until my heart stops beating.
Jacob Black: Maybe even then.

Olive Penderghast: Whatever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in 80's movies? I want John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window. I wanna ride off on a lawnmower with Patrick Dempsey. I want Jake from Sixteen Candles waiting outside the church for me. I want Judd Nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me. Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life.

Jamie Randall: I need you.
Maggie Murdock: Please go away.
Jamie Randall: I drove a really long way to say that!
Maggie Murdock: What, am I supposed to be impressed?
Jamie Randall: I don't know, yes?

[Trying to name other couples like Kirk and Molly.]
Devon: The president of France and that girl who went out with Mick Jagger.
Stainer: He knows about wine! And he has a French accent! He could probably french-kiss like a motherfucker.

Savannah Curtis: Two weeks together, that's all it took, two weeks for me to fall for you.

Nicole Hurley: Life is making mistakes.
Milo Boyd: And death is wishing you had made more.

Annie: I'm so sick of optimism, it's fucking exhausting.

Prince Dastan: You really enjoy telling me what to do, don't you?
Tamina: Only because you are so good at following orders.
Prince Dastan: Don't press your luck.

Vince: This isn't going away. You won't talk to me before the show, you won't talk to me after the show. It's like you're avoiding me.
Tess: Well, I didn't divorce you to spend more time with you.

Chico: Have you thought about your career? About your future?
Rita: Future, what future? The future never gave me anything! All my hopes are set on the past.

Alex: Forgive you? For kissing me? You've awoken me. It's ages since I felt so alive.Thanks to you. But it's too late for me. I'm far away from here. I can't fall in love again. But you - you deserve the best.

Hal: Well, let's say.
Oliver: Arthur, down.
Hal: ...let's say since you were little, and... and you... you always dreamed of... of someday getting a lion, and you wait and you wait and you wait and you wait, and the lion doesn't come. Then along comes a giraffe. You can be alone, or you can be with the giraffe.
Oliver: I'd wait for the lion.
Hal: That's why I worry about you.