Other mistake: When Elizabeth (and later Elizabeth and Bertie) visit Lionel's flat, they take the elevator down. With its huge windows, the flat is obviously not below ground level. And certainly no one would ascend to a higher floor only to take the elevator down to his destination.

Other mistake: In the scene immediately after the locomotives that were trying to slow 777 get derailed and blow up, the next scene immediately shows Colson in the cab of his train exclaiming about the explosion which he sees just over the tree tops. Impossible. Colson's train is still miles away on the head on collision course with 777, and Colson could not possibly see this explosion, let alone as if it was just around the bend.

Other mistake: Pretty much everyone in the film, especially Alice, seems to be able to fire their weapons without reloading at all.

Other mistake: When Lawrence is looking at his wound in the mirror, it has slightly healed. Later, when Sir John visits Lawrence in the asylum, he shows the bite mark he got from the feral child to Lawrence. Since Sir John is also a werewolf, the bite mark should not be there.

Other mistake: After the magnet grabs Slink during the incinerator scene, all the toys grab metal objects to avoid getting torn up. Afterward, they all let go of their metal objects to drop down. However, Slink also drops down despite not holding on to anything because he is made of metal.
Suggested correction: Or, the other toys helped him down.

Other mistake: Before the battle, the leader of the waterbenders says that he will have everyone extinguish as many sources of fire as possible. When the firebenders come up from the ground at the start of the battle, all of the torches lighting the city are lit.

Other mistake: In a hockey game, Derek Thompson slams an opposing player into the wall and knocks out a tooth. Inexplicably, the tooth shoots straight up into the air and there is absolutely no blood on the tooth or around the player's mouth.

Other mistake: During the flashback of the soldiers executing the Dachau guards, the soldiers are in a line opposite the guards who are in a line against a fence. The soldiers all start shooting at the same time, but we are shown the guards being mown down by gunfire in succession, like dominoes, rather than simultaneously.

Other mistake: Towards the end when we see one of the $100 bill plates up close, the plate is not of any money ever put into production in the US. While I know most movies do not try and use actual money, there are things that don't match how real money is made: serial numbers are not on the plates, circle around Ben's head doesn't go to the border, "The United States of America" is missing above the "100" on the left, just to name a few.

Other mistake: After Craven shoots the driver of the car that took his car door off, you can see that there is no gas tank underneath the car.

Other mistake: When the ride finishes, there is no sign of a safety bar in Gru's cart.

Other mistake: When Gregory has read the note from Fregly, he realises he put his thumb on a booger. When we see Greg on the floor, the note should be nearby. Instead it is several feet from him, in line with the bin. This is strange as Greg only dropped it and the note didn't flutter over there as Greg only turned when he hit the floor. In fact, the movement should've moved it closer to him. In line with the bin is even weirder.

Other mistake: Flynn and Rapunzel go through the Snugly Duckling tunnel. Later when Maximus points to it, you could easily see it from anywhere in the pub. But nobody saw Flynn and Rapunzel go through other than the thug who showed them.

Other mistake: When Salt was trying to escape in the CIA building, the tactical team was preparing to enter Salt's final hold up, the holographic sight on one of the tactical team member's M4 is mounted the wrong way.

Other mistake: In the scene where Jensen is attempting to decrypt the password on the hard drive with the algorithm, he uses the command "traceroute d-hea" which is commonly used to test network connectivity, not decrypt passwords.Then follows it with the command "dir" to reveal HTML code instead of directory structures.

Other mistake: When June is standing on the escalator in the airport the people on the escalator with her swap from shot to shot as they change camera angles from a view looking down at her to one taken from the side. In one scene the escalator is nearly full with people, but in the next there are only two men standing behind her.

Other mistake: When the man requesting money hangs up on him, a dial tone follows. Cell phones don't have dial tones.

Other mistake: Research in the end credits is misspelled "Reasearch."

Other mistake: Paul Walker repeatedly looks through the scope as he is perched in sniper position with the lens cap still on.

Other mistake: When Tamina pretends to have fainted and Dastan runs over to her rescue, Dastan wearing some kind of Adidas/Nike/other modern sport shoes, only the shoe sole is visible but you can see it as he runs and kneels just before he gets whacked on the head. (00:36:45)