Best movie other mistakes of 2010

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More Killers other mistakes
Iron Man 2 picture

Other mistake: Justin Hammer picks up the M134 like it's a feather. In reality, it's a hundred pound gun, even a big bloke would have to work hard to pick something like that up.


More Iron Man 2 other mistakes
Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball picture

Other mistake: Finbar is shown torturing a victim while the victim has his head in a halo used for immobilizing a person's head. The screws to hold the victim's head tight can be seen not to be touching his head, yet the victim is still bleeding from the screws.


More Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball other mistakes
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps picture

Other mistake: When Gecko and his future son-in-law are passengers in a cab the meter reads $2.90 and the extra fee indicates $1.50. Since the ride was several minutes, the meter should have increased well beyond $2.90. Further, there is not a extra fee of $1.50 allowed in Manhattan. According to the official NY Taxi Web site: Minimum taxi fare is $2.50. Additional charges are $0.40 per 1/5 of a mile (at or above 6 mph) or for 2 minutes of time stopped or traveling below 6 mph. The night-time surcharge is $0.50 for rides beginning from 8 p.m. until 6 a.m. The peak hour weekday surcharge is $1.00 and is charged for rides from 4 - 8 p.m. weekdays.


More Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps other mistakes
Step Up 3D picture

Other mistake: In the vault when everyone is discussing Moose's win over kid darkness, the camera focuses on their phone (the blackberry) and we get to see the ending of the battle. But what we see on the phone is totally different from what actually happens. (00:06:30 - 00:12:10)


More Step Up 3D other mistakes
She's Out of My League picture

Other mistake: The airplane interior shots were obviously done in a studio mock-up. On a narrow body plane like that, the ceiling is fairly low but follows the fuselage contour to provide maximum headroom above the aisle. The ceiling shown was very high and flat all the way across.

More She's Out of My League other mistakes
The Crazies picture

Other mistake: In the scene where Judy and Becca are strapped to beds in the high school and the principal is coming with a pitch fork, at first there is a close up of the fork (when the principal is dragging it) and its dry with no blood, the principal walks over to his first victim and right before he raises the fork it is shown covered in blood so much that some has ran on to the floor.


More The Crazies other mistakes
Easy A picture

Other mistake: In the beginning of the movie, when she is speaking to the viewers on her web cam, Olive says something about whatever book you're reading in class always relates to whatever teen drama you have going on, except Huckleberry Finn. As most of the movie is in flashback, this scene takes place chronologically near the end of the story. However, in one scene shown later (ie. before the webcam comment), a girl runs up to Olive and say something along the lines of, "Did you hear about Brandon? He left his parents a note that says, 'I'm gay, bitches!' and ran away with some hulking black guy!" and Olive says, "My apologies to Mark Twain." In the film continuity Olive's comment makes no sense, as she hasn't referenced Huckleberry Finn yet. And/or her webcam comment is out of place, as at the time she makes that comparison she now knows that even Huckleberry Finn is relevant to teen drama.

More Easy A other mistakes
Date Night picture

Other mistake: During the scene where Phil and Claire break into the real estate office to look up the name of her past client, Claire says his name is Holbrooke Grant. She types that into the computer to search for it, but it's shown as Holbrooke, Grant. With the comma, that would make Grant his first name.

Cal K.

More Date Night other mistakes
Grown Ups picture

Other mistake: Mama says that Curly must have gotten into some of her leftover pasta fagioli, but that wasn't among the things she ordered the night before at the restaurant.

More Grown Ups other mistakes
The Expendables picture

Other mistake: When Sly Stallone and Jason Statham decide to turn the plane around and attack the dock, they approach it from behind flying above land. But when Statham is firing the guns, one of the shots from his perspective shows it approaching from the water.

Gavin Jackson

More The Expendables other mistakes
The Fighter picture

Other mistake: Micky Ward's KO record shows the same number of knockouts before the Sanchez fight and before the final fight, although his knock out of Sanchez should have increased his KO record.

More The Fighter other mistakes
The Tourist picture

Other mistake: In the scene where Jolie drops Depp off at the airport she asks him to tie them off. Depp does so with a solid knot. Jolie then unties the knot from the boat side and leaves him behind. The rope should still have been looped around the mooring where Depp attached it, and hanging in the water where she untied. It is completely gone.

More The Tourist other mistakes
Burke and Hare picture

Other mistake: When Burke & Hare chop down the tree to stop the coach, they hit the tree with their axes at chest height. When the coach approaches they have hardly made a dent in the tree and when they push to tip the tree over, it doesn't break at chest height, but the entire tree falls, arguably still fully intact.


More Burke and Hare other mistakes
The Next Three Days picture

Other mistake: Lara's hair is plain and pulled back in a pony tail when she first escapes. Within a short period of time, her hair becomes nicely styled but she would have needed a fair amount of time with a curling iron, hairspray, etc., for it to look so nice.

More The Next Three Days other mistakes
More Faster other mistakes
Black Swan picture

Other mistake: When Nina and Lily are at the bar, it shows Lily move to the seat directly to Nina's right, thus placing Nina on the right side of Lily. However, the entire time they converse, Lily's eyes are looking to her left. Same goes for Nina who is looking to her right the entire time.

More Black Swan other mistakes
Paranormal Activity 2 picture

Other mistake: We are seeing the movie as if we were watching recordings, that's why we see the surveillance camera shots as the device installed to change from one camera to another would let us. It takes very short time from one camera to another,but in some cases, as to follow things to happen, the shot stays in one angle (camera) for a longer period, not keeping the timing for the mentioned device.

More Paranormal Activity 2 other mistakes
Yogi Bear picture

Other mistake: As the movie opens, Yogi is using a telescope to watch a family at a picnic table. The reflection in the lens should be in reverse but it is not. It shows the same view.

More Yogi Bear other mistakes
Kick-Ass picture

Other mistake: During Hit Girl's dramatic rescue sequence, she shoots the last two guys in the head. The man she shoots last (in the red and yellow balaclava), she aims at his torso yet shoots him cleanly through the head. It's made all the more obvious by the fact that this scene is in slow motion at this point.

More Kick-Ass other mistakes

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