Revealing mistake: In the last scene where Edward and Bella are sitting in the sunny field, Edward is not sparkling. (01:52:55)

Continuity mistake: When Alice leaves to think over Hamish's proposal and chases after the White Rabbit, the heels on her shoes change, but when she falls into the hole the heels are back once again.

Continuity mistake: When Xenophilius draws the Deathly Hallows symbol, he draws it so that the bottom of the line touches the bottom of the circle. The shot cuts away and back again when he draws the triangle, but the line is no longer touching the bottom of the circle. (01:49:40)

Continuity mistake: After being chased by soldiers after talking to his uncle, Dastan gets into a swordfight with Garsiv. As soon as it starts, Garsiv hits a pillar with his weapon knocking a significantly large chunk and a another smaller chunk out of it. In the immediate shot, the size and locations of the two chunks differ.

Plot hole: When Astrid gets on Toothless for the first time, Toothless takes off uncontrollably and tries to scare her. Hiccup seems to have no control over him at this time. How is that so if with the new tail fin, Toothless cannot fly without Hiccup's precise control of the tail fin? That whole sequence would have fallen apart. This mistake was even admitted to on the DVD commentary. (00:53:35)

Continuity mistake: Just before Flynn cuts off Rapunzel's hair, there is a shot from behind him and he reaches up with his right hand to push her hair behind her ear. His arm is visible up to his forearm and the shackle is nowhere in sight. However, in the next, wide shot, the shackle is suddenly up around his wrist. (01:01:20)

Other mistake: Before the battle, the leader of the waterbenders says that he will have everyone extinguish as many sources of fire as possible. When the firebenders come up from the ground at the start of the battle, all of the torches lighting the city are lit.

Factual error: When Luke is playing video games in the camp he is using a Playstation controller, however when he pauses the game it shows a message telling him to push the 'B' button. 'B' buttons appear on Xbox games consoles rather than Playstations.

Other mistake: In a hockey game, Derek Thompson slams an opposing player into the wall and knocks out a tooth. Inexplicably, the tooth shoots straight up into the air and there is absolutely no blood on the tooth or around the player's mouth.

Other mistake: When the ride finishes, there is no sign of a safety bar in Gru's cart.

Continuity mistake: In the scene when Dalton is climbing the ladder trying to turn on the light in the attic, it shows him stepping onto the same step twice.

Audio problem: When Scott fights Ramona's ex-girlfriend, Ramona holds his hands while punching her. One punch misses her but the sound of a punch is heard.

Continuity mistake: After Kyle dies, Audrey jumps off the diner's roof and starts shooting at the possessed people. She runs out of bullets and gets into the blue van. One of the possessed scratches the top left corner of the windshield. These scratches disappear. (01:09:45)

Continuity mistake: Baby Roberta spits a mouthful of half-chewed peas onto Ramona's face. In the immediate close-up, there is much more green mess on her face than in the preceding shot.

Factual error: When the people of Lilliput find Gulliver's boat, he picks up his cell phone and says he doesn't have any signal but has 11 messages and proceeds to listen to them. If you have no signal at all, you wouldn't be able to check your voice mail.

Continuity mistake: There is a scene at the school, where Quentin and Nancy are talking by the lockers. Quentin is wearing a Joy Division shirt. The jacket he is wearing over the shirt keeps changing depending on whether it's a closeup of Quentin or a shot of both him and Nancy. You can easily tell, as the band's name is partially obscured during closeup and fully revealed when it's further away. This changes back and forth several times during that scene. Quentin doesn't move enough to warrant the jacket changing so noticeably. (00:18:15)

Plot hole: When Andromeda and Perseus wake up on the beach, Andromeda tells Perseus that Argos needs a new leader/king. The problem with this is there is nothing onscreen to show that she even knew her father the King had died. She was hanging by her arms facing the Kraken and she couldn't turn around. By the time her father died, she was already falling into the sea, so again, she shouldn't even know her father has died.

Continuity mistake: After the children are transported to Narnia, Edmund's hair is significantly shorter than it was while they were in England.

Factual error: A fire breaks out in the hospital due to one of Abby's victims being exposed to sunlight as she's turning into a vampire, destroying that vampire and a burning a nurse to death. Modern hospitals have fire sprinklers, fire extinguishers, etc. and sensors/alarms that the fire would have activated.

Factual error: In the scene where they are in the U.K, a little boy is hit by a van and you can hear the police and medical services coming. The sirens are American sirens which differ greatly from the High Low pitch that the U.k Is famous for and do not fit the scene at all.