Corrected entry: At the reception at the end of the movie, Grandma Bunny goes up to Joanna and then Joanna says she'd like to introduce Grandma Bunny to Will's grandma - even though Grandma Bunny is Will's grandmother. I doubt the maternal and paternal grandparents didn't already know each other and if they didn't, why was it Joanna who introduced them?

Corrected entry: Frank puts up Christmas decorations, yet he gets a pension check for March.
Correction: We learn later in the film he had called pension services 22 times. He had obviously been tearing up checks for months.

Corrected entry: On board the airplane, when the cockpit door swings open after the crew has been shot, a twilight/night sky is visible through the cockpit window while bright sunlight is still coming through the cabin/passenger windows.
Correction: That happens when you're at 40000 feet.

Corrected entry: After Bhuti decapitates Lord Rajasena, Rajasena curses Bhuti with his dying breath. The problem with this is, it's physically impossible for a severed head to produce sound.
Correction: It's also impossible for a man-crow to use mystical powers when fighting his adversaries. This is a fantasy film, taking a degree of artistic licence.

Corrected entry: Rachel Johnson comes to Jellystone Park to film a documentary. She says she is an expert on plants and animals, yet she mispronounces "orangutans" as "orangutangs."
Correction: Either spelling/pronunciation is acceptable.

Corrected entry: In the beginning Aang didn't introduce himself to Sokka & Katara. They both found him at their home, which is the southern water tribe, which is in a different place in the world. Normally you don't wait until you arrive at a different place to introduce yourself.
Correction: How is this a plot hole, or even a mistake? He didn't introduce himself. So what?

Corrected entry: After being released from Grimhold, Morgana is ready to cast "The Rising" spell. She never actually learned it, or even saw the parchment with the spell, since it was Horvath who took it, then left. Afterwards, Morgana is quickly trapped in Grimhold - it means she doesn't know how to cast this spell, which she actually does like a sorceress supreme.
Correction: The only thing Morgana says to Horvath is "get the spell". However, the narrator says "and so it was, Morgana gained sorcery's most powerful spell." It's clear she knows the spell.

Corrected entry: Throughout the movie, Mel Gibson uses a New York accent. His character is supposed to be a native Bostonian.
Correction: Not so - I think whoever wrote this is not sure of either accent, but it sounds good enough to me.

Corrected entry: Gulliver wades out to sea to fight an enemy armada. Cannonballs are shot from several of the ships and they wedge in Gulliver's chest and stomach. He heaves his chest forward and the cannonballs are hurled back toward the ships. There are no marks on Gulliver's skin. Two scenes later his chest and stomach are covered with what appear to be powder burn marks.
Correction: Those aren't burn powder marks. Those are hickeys and it is consistent with how hickeys behave. They appear after a while after the spot has experience some strain.

Corrected entry: In the shot where Ali is pouring a glass of liquor during the "Guy What Takes His Time" scene, she completely misses the glass, but eventually swerves into it.
Correction: She spills the champagne on purpose, as it suits the tone of the song being extravagant & naughty.

Corrected entry: When Megamind is disguised as Bernard, he tries to keep up the charade of being both Megamind and Bernard in front of Roxanne, and pretends that 'Bernard' is fighting Megamind. 'Bernard' eventually gets thrown out of the doorway that both he and Megamind were fighting in, and Roxanne has witnessed it all. Yet, when 'Bernard' is thrown out, she comforts him, and then leads them away from where she last saw Megamind. This makes no sense. She saw where Megamind went: it's not logical for her to then completely go in the opposite direction.
Correction: Standing there in the open isn't very logical either. She's looking for somewhere she can hide to get the drop on him.

Corrected entry: Near the beginning of the movie, Lara uses a very large syringe to inject a huge (and likely harmful) dose of insulin. Insulin is used in very small doses typically from a small syringe, so if using a large syringe, the plunger would barely be pulled back.
Correction: The type of insulin syringe Lara used is called an "insulin pen". These are very common among insulin dependent diabetics. Also, if she was a very brittle diabetic, she could require a larger dose of fast acting insulin or she could have been taking a long-acting insulin, which is typically a large dose.

Corrected entry: In the first scene, the law officers accepts a call, and goes to investigate. Officer Hatcher raises his foot to kick in the apartment door, but the door opens before his foot even connects with it.
Correction: That's not a mistake. One of the guys inside the apartment opened the door before officer Hatcher had the chance to kick it in.

Corrected entry: Matt Damon's M4 rifle does not have a magazine in it while he talks to the CIA officer at the hotel.
Correction: Here's the reason why: at this point in the movie, he entered a secure U.S.-controlled building. Loaded weapons are not allowed in such areas, and so Miller probably turned in his magazines at the checkpoint before entering the building.

Corrected entry: In the beginning when Savanna and John start writing each other, her letters are addressed to SSGT Tyree, (which is an E-6 in the Army) but in certain shots when he's reading them, his rank is a SGT (E-5). Later in the movie his rank is correct on his uniform.
Correction: In the beginning when Savanna and John start writing each other, her letters are addressed to SSGT Tyree, (which is an E-6 in the Army) but in certain shots when he's reading them, his rank is a SGT (E-5). Later in the movie his rank is correct on his uniform. (Actually, an E-6 in the Army is a "SSG", not "SSGT" (a USMC rank)).

Corrected entry: In the park, Sebastion is initially shown eating a pizza. In the next shot he is eating a pretzel.
Correction: The whole time he is eating a pretzel, no pizza is ever seen.

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the trial, they show the Military fort where the trial took place, Ft Jefferson as just outside the capital in Washington. It is, in fact, west of the Florida keys on a rocky outcrop now referred to as Dry Tortugas National Park, and was very difficult to get to by ship.
Correction: Ft. Jefferson is in the Florida Keys, however that is not where the trial took place. The conspirators convicted but not sentenced to death served time there afterwards. The trial itself was held in Washington.

Corrected entry: In a conversation between Beth and her sister, her sister's husband says that the coins have to be returned to the fountain. When Beth says that she will ship the coins, her sister's husband tells her that only she can return the coins the fountain. However, at the end of the movie, Nick drops the poker chip into the fountain and suddenly the Rabbi is released from his spell. How could this be? Only the person who took the items, who in this case would be Beth, can return the items and release the spell.

Corrected entry: Melanie arrived late to the cookery class, however when we see her leave she got parked directly across the road, quite unlikely as this space would likely have been taken by one of the more punctual members of the group.
Correction: Not necessarily. Someone not related to the class could have been parked there, after the other students arrived, that person left, leaving the space open.

Corrected entry: While crossing Texas there is a sign for Dallas and in the background there are mountains clearly visible. There are no mountains in Texas.
Correction: Totally incorrect; there is mountainous terrain in the West of Texas, including Guadalupe Peak, 8749 feet above sea level, the Guadalupe, Davis and Santiago ranges of the Rocky Mountains, and the central hill country.
Correction: Joana was introducing Helen to Will's grandma "Bunny", she was talking to Helen when she said "I'd like to introduce you to Grandma Bunny."