Corrected entry: When Ashton Kutcher attempts to stop Jennifer Garner from boarding the plane to San Fransisco, it appears as if he is unsuccessful since you see her board the plane. However, in the next scene she appears in, the receptionist at the hospital answers the phone "Los Angeles Hospital" and then Jennifer confirms she is in LA during a cell phone conversation what appears to be minutes later.

Corrected entry: When Josh (Patrick Wilson) goes to wake up his son, Dalton (Ty Simpkins) the morning they discover his coma, he bends over to grab some of his school clothes from the drawer. When he does, you can plainly see the microphone receiver hooked on the back of his jeans as the shirt is stretched.
Correction: Movies (such as this one) use off camera microphones to pick up the actors voices, never on-person mic packs. What ever is hooked on his pants is not a mic pack but some other unidentified object.

Corrected entry: When Angie takes the picture of Patty on top of Greg, her hair is down. But when the newspaper is shown, Patty's hair is up.
Correction: In the picture, Patty's hair is up because the newspaper photo-edited it to make Greg's defeat more amusing.

Corrected entry: When Hiccup draws Toothless in the glen for the first time, he smudges the left tail section, indicating his understanding of the problem of why Toothless can't fly. When we next see the drawing, at dinner that night, the left tail section is clear and unsmudged. (And later in the film, it's smudged again.).
Correction: This has been fixed. The tail IS smudged at the dinner scene.Apparently it was fixed whilst still in theaters.

Corrected entry: Medusa is significantly injured by the Djinn before she confronts Perseus. After Perseus slays her she falls into the lava pit. Right before she falls it shows a full shot of her serpent body, which suddenly has no injuries.
Correction: Not true. As she is falling, a very noticeable gash can be seen in her tail.

Corrected entry: In the scene where they are remembering their old coach, Adam Sandler has a bucket of KFC Chicken. In between shots, the KFC bucket changes from silver to red.
Correction: The bucket just changes sides. Look at it on Lamonsoff's (Kevin James) head when they get back.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Mindy is being trained by her father to withstand a bullet to the chest, in the shots after he fires the first time, her jacket has no holes in it.
Correction: The bullet holes in Mindys coat can be seen in the Blu-Ray release. They aren't easy to see but they are there.

Corrected entry: When Paul is patched though to Dan with the hostage working group Dan asks Paul how much battery life is left on his phone. When Paul pulls the phone away from his head you can see the Blackberry is upside down, qwerty keyboard in his ear and screen and speaker at his mouth. When the kidnapper calls in 1 minute later the phone is instantly right side up.
Correction: Sixty seconds hardly qualify as "instantly".

Corrected entry: During the helicopter chase scene, where the A-Team is about to be shot down by heat seeking missiles, Murdock shuts the helicopter's engine off and the rotor blades immediately come to a dead stop. Actually, there is enough momentum in helicopter rotors that they would actually keep spinning even with loss of power. Helicopters are able to make emergency soft landings without power because the still-spinning rotors provide a slow descent. And then when Murdock started the engine again, the rotors were spinning at full-speed in a matter of seconds. With helicopters, it takes a couple of minutes to accomplish this. Also, even if the engine is off, the heat-seeking missiles would have STILL hit the target because the engine wouldn't lose heat that quickly.
Correction: The movie is a work of fun-fiction. The heat-seaking missles were heading on a course to collide with the helicopter, but, with the rotors shut off, the helicopter started to slide back down to Earth thanks to gravity. So, with the position of the helicopter suddenly going 'backwards', the missles would have needed to turn more sharply to hit it. Perhaps they were swinging around to turn back, but collided with each other.

Corrected entry: In the scene where she finds the Marcus guy's Internet Video Blog, he talks about how he can't sleep at night because someone is trying to kill him. In one part he's ranting aimlessly about how he's been up for 70+ hours. Then a short time later he dozes off into sleep and his head hits his webcam as if he was killed. How can he post his internet blog to his page if he's been killed? Seems a little hard from beyond the grave.
Correction: It was a live video post, not a pre-recorded one. He was posting it to his blog in real time while it was happening, and since he died during it, was obviously unable to delete it or edit it later on.

Corrected entry: Sheriff Forester falls into the lake trying to retrieve Matt's boat when Matt's corpse surfaces next to her. Immediately afterward, when Forester and Deputy Fallon pull Matt's body from the water, she is completely dry: clothing, hair, everything.
Correction: She's not dry. Look at the other sheriff's outfit next to hers. Hers is darker in color meaning it's wet. So is her hair.

Corrected entry: In the seen where Persephone stops the hell hounds from attacking Percy, Annabeth and Grover, she should not be there if the summer solstice was coming. She would be with her mother, Demeter, during spring and summer. (01:25:35)
Correction: She's not forced to leave in the summer, merely free to leave. With a possible war brewing, she can easily choose to stay where she is safe. If you continue reading the books, her mother even eventually joins her for safety reasons.

Corrected entry: The tags on the front windshields of two cars both have "11" on them, referring to the year that the plates will expire (2011). The movie is set many years prior to that.
Correction: The large number on the inspection sticker represents the specific month the sticker will be valid until. The "year" is designated by the color code of the sticker.

Corrected entry: When Dr Gordon throws the saw from Hoffman out of the bathroom, it lands in the shadows of the hall way. However, in the very next shot, it is suddenly in the light.
Correction: There are two problems with this mistake. After the hacksaw lands, the camera cuts before it stops moving, so it is still sliding against the floor. Secondly, we don't see the saw in the next shot. We don't see the saw again until several seconds after the first cut. So, we are to assume that the blade slid a few more feet then stopped.

Corrected entry: When Morgan is interrogating a suspect in the opening scene, he hands the suspect his gun when he unlocks the handcuffs. In the next scene, Morgan has his gun in his hand again. Then in the next scene the suspect still has the gun.
Correction: Actually, when Morgan gives the suspect the gun to unlock the cuffs, he takes them back in the next shot. I knew this because he pulled his hand up from where the suspects hands were. Later, when the suspect was supposedly holding the gun again, it was really Morgan. It is a confusing shot because four arms were all in the same place.

Corrected entry: In the first film it takes Shrek and Donkey several days to get to Fiona and then several days to get back to Duloc. In this film, Shrek only has one day as an ogre, yet he still manages to get to and from the castle that Fiona was locked in.
Correction: The first film they are traveling from Duloc, in this film they are going to FarFarAway.

Corrected entry: When Elizabeth first visits Mr. Logue in his office which was sometime in 1926, a picture is shown on his wall of the "Sydney Bridge Celebration," dated March 1932. At this point in time, it was only 3 years into its construction, which finished in January 1932.
Correction: To be fair, this isn't a photo but merely a drawing. So the drawing may well have been available before the completion.

Corrected entry: After sending his father to take a ship for escape Sam goes to retake his fathers disc,a door opens and two guards get out to see what is happening,Sam jumps behind them, kicks one to the cliff and trips the other.From the shot from the top it can be seen that second guard actually falls to platform but then rolls himself to cliff.
Correction: He's spinning as he falls - he lands on the platform, but momentum carries him over the edge.

Corrected entry: Early in the film, where the two main characters are on the train from Paris to Venice, overhead exterior shots show the train on the LEFT hand track, whereas in continental Europe it would be on the RIGHT (like driving on roads) so the train is probably British stock footage.
Correction: Trains occasionally run on the left-hand track - if the other track is undergoing repairs, for instance.
Correction: In France, trains drive on the left: http://www.sinfin.net/railways/world/france.html.

Corrected entry: When the train hits the horse trailer, a horse clears the tracks a split second before the train plows through the trailer. When the accident is shown in the news broadcast, the horse is nowhere to be seen.
Correction: No, if you look close to the bottom left you can see a little bit of horse running.
Correction: The movie never showed her boarding the plane, only walking away. As the entry states she confirms later that she is still in L.A. No mistake here.