Question: In the beginning scene where the two participants had to cut flesh in order to survive, what was to stop them simply putting other stuff on the scales instead of flesh, such as the heavy tools and knives and escaping that way?
Answer: The tools were chained to the tables, and there wasn't anything else they could've thrown down onto the scales.

Question: At the ending of the director's cut, it shows that Laurie, Michael, and Loomis are all dead. But, the following scene is the ending of the theatrical cut with Laure in the insane asylum. Could somebody clarify this?
Answer: When the movie was made there were two possible endings filmed with one being selected for the theatrical release. Filmmakers often pre-screen a film to a test audience to gauge their reaction. This can decide whether or not changes will be made to the finished film, including an alternate ending. The director's cut here is simply showing audiences both scenes that were filmed as an "extra" feature. Other movies have included this, as well as showing deleted scenes.

Question: What was the meaning of Larry meeting a woman that looked just like Amelia Earheart? The woman says that she isn't related to Amelia, so I'm confused about why it was done.
Answer: Larry was smitten with the wax figure of Amelia Earhart and when he sees the woman in the museum who looks like Amelia (and who was played by the same actress who portrayed Amelia), his infatuation and attraction were understandable.

Question: In the end of the first movie Paul is safe in the hospital, so why has he come back into the forest and gets hit by a truck in this movie?
Answer: Spoiler Alert: At the end of the first movie, Paul was not safe at the hospital. The doctors inform the sheriff that Paul needs to be transferred. We then see Deputy Winston take Paul, but instead of transferring him, Winston dumps Paul on the side of the creek. In the 2nd movie, Paul is alive, but just barely as he's badly infected. He's trying to get help and finally manages to make it to the highway, where he gets hit.

Question: Was there anything illegal about Windows' relationship and attempted rendezvous with Rogue Leader? Would he have gotten into any serious trouble had her parents decided to take any legal action?
Chosen answer: It would depend on what they'd discussed online and his intent. If they'd planned to meet for sex, then yes, that would be illegal and charges could be pressed. Since we didn't learn the details of their conversations, we can't be certain.

Question: In the pre climax Anne tells Cal that Sonia was sleeping with Stephen for $26,000 but later he comes to conclusion that Stephen knew this how? How did Anne know?
Answer: The assassin that Stephen hired to spy on Sonia found out and told Stephen. At some point off-screen, Stephen told Anne details about his affair with Sonia and accidentally told her that she was being paid to spy on and sleep with him for $26,000. Anne told Cal about the $26,000, and Cal realises that Stephen knows a lot more about Sonia's spying for Point Corp than he is letting on. If Stephen was completely innocent, there would be no way for him to know the amount was $26,000. Cal and his team of journalists never told Stephen the specific amount of money Sonia was getting.

Question: When the two girls get out of their car due to a flat tyre, they begin walking back from where they just came. Why didn't they keep walking in the direction they were going instead of back tracking?

Question: Is there any particular reason as to why Lisbeth is dressed like a punk in the courtroom?

Question: Are there differences between the theatrical, DVD, Blu-Ray, and TV versions of the movie?
Chosen answer: No alternate versions of the movie have been released. The version you watch is the version everybody watches. It probably would be edited for free-to-air TV, but almost all movies are.

Question: Do we ever find out what the rash was on that guy? And why it was spreading so badly.

Question: Can you please tell me if this is set in the Arctic or Antarctic, as the aurora borealis is better known as the Northern Lights and can only be seen there.

Question: Can some one explain a couple things about this movie for me? I was confused to if the events really happen or are they just in the kids mind? Also, how long is he gone for because it seems it should be days because of what happens, but when he gets home it seems only hours have passed.

Question: What's the name of the song the woman is singing at the restaurant in Stony Creek?
Answer: It was either Southern Night or Boogie Woogie Saturday Night.

Question: Would Rick have regenerated that quickly (overnight) after the blood loss from the giant mosquito and tick that he suffered?
Chosen answer: They can be seen in a couple of long shots of the ship's prow as the DJs shelter there. It's reasonable to assume, given that they were present when the rescue flotilla arrived, that they were picked up as well, just off-screen while the film focused on the main characters.
Tailkinker ★