Factual error: Just before Michael and Leigh Anne enter the Big and Tall store, they walk past a Georgia Lottery 'PLAY HERE' sign, and several paces later Leigh Anne says, "I have been in Memphis my whole life..." illustrating that it was filmed in Atlanta, GA, not Memphis, TN. (00:32:30)
Factual error: During the stop in the small town while still in Texas, and Tallahassee breaks all the windows in the minivan, a Bank of Coweta sign is visible over one of the buildings. The Bank of Coweta is a local bank in Georgia, and has no branches outside of the state.
Factual error: In the movie they search for two matching rings, which contain geographical location of the treasure. The rings were casted in 1589, and uses Greenwich as Prime Meridian. This wasn't established however until nearly 300 years later in 1851.
Factual error: In the credits, Josh Peck is said to voice Rudy. He actually voiced Eddie.
Factual error: Prince Albert was not really wounded in the assassination attempt depicted near the end of the film. Eyewitness accounts differed as to whether he pushed Victoria down to protect her or simply dived for cover himself, but neither of the two bullets fired struck either of them.
Factual error: Charlotte is seen speaking on a Princess style phone in the movie. The phone she is using has a modular plug in the handset. Modular cords were not used on Princess phones until 1975. The movie takes place in 1962.
Factual error: After the chase scene through the desert and arriving at the abandoned old house, the children hand the taxi driver all of the money they received from the ATM earlier in the movie. When the taxi driver examines the money, it is all hundred dollar bills. No ATM in Las Vegas, Nevada dispenses hundred dollar bills.
Factual error: When they arrive at the airport to go to Hollywood, they show them arriving at Birmingham Airport where they are to start their 11 hour flight. However, Birmingham Airport doesn't do flights to LAX.
Factual error: USS Enterprise's onboard computer initially refuses to acknowledge Chekov's authorization code. The reason, it seems, is Chekov's Russian accent, which pronounces the letter "V" (pronounced labiodentally) like a British "W" (pronounced bilabially). Problem: Chekov pronounces his ensign authorization code in the NATO phonetic alphabet. ("Nine, Five, Victor, Victor, Two", which resolves to 95VV2) This alphabet is specifically designed to alleviate this exact same situation. The 26 code words in the NATO phonetic alphabet are assigned to the 26 letters of the English alphabet: Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, and Zulu. The slightly mispronounced "Wictor" should not be a problem. (00:42:05)
Factual error: The alligator mentions wanting a Bananas Foster. This dessert was invented in 1951 but this movie takes place in 1926.
Factual error: The "US Lead Destroyer" attacked by the megladon is the Iowa class battleship USS Missouri (BB63). (00:29:00 - 00:31:20)
Factual error: When Amelia goes to George Putnam's suite and tells him to dance with her, she turns on the radio. The radio comes on instantly. At that time there should have been a delay of up to a minute or so, since vacuum tubes were in use and they would have taken time to warm up.
Factual error: When the elevator falls to the ground it passes a hotel waitress and blows her hair and pieces from her trolley away. In fact the wind gust comes after the elevator has passed, in reality it would come before it passed, as the air ahead of the elevator would be compressed and blown outwards, leaving lower pressure behind which would cause a gust inwards.
Factual error: The Book of Mirrors is a rare medieval manuscript, yet Casey has no problem whatsoever in bringing the book to Rabbi Sendak. No library would lease such a valuable item and stealing it would also be rather difficult, as you are supposed to deposit a document and fill out a request form before you are permitted to consult any similar manuscript in any European or American library (if you are allowed at all to do so without a research permit).
Factual error: Even if the bullets were full metal jackets, the passing through Calvini's head and then the wooden column would deform them so the exit hole would be larger than the entry hole.
Factual error: Herzog is referred to as "Oberst" (Colonel) both by The Wanderer and in the end credits. But both he and his men wear SS uniforms and insignia, where standard military titles were not used. Herzog should have been called the SS equivalent "Standartenführer".
Factual error: The movie is about the 1957 little league world series. In the scene near the end when the factory workers in Monterrey Mexico walk off the job so they can listen to a broadcast of the game, there is a blue 1959 Ford station wagon parked on the street.
Factual error: Paul has hypoglycemia. When he eats the lollipop off the floor and gets up instantly, this would never happen as it takes the sugar a while to get into the bloodstream. He would never be instantly cured.
Factual error: When the men are playing snooker, they are using modern plastic tipped pool cues.
Factual error: Another problem with Speckles the star-nose mole. Star-nose moles live in "wet lowland areas" (Wikipedia) but in the film, Speckle's history is shown and his home used to be a field with undulated small hills.
Suggested correction: You're applying today's standards to a fictional future. We've seen in every iteration of Star Trek that security includes both a passkey/password and voice authentication. The actual mistake here is that regardless of how Chekov speaks, the computer should recognize it as his voice because he always speaks that way.
I am afraid the computer's error message leaves no doubt that there was no voice matching at work this time; only pure speech-to-text.