Factual error: Just as Hutch says the line "Oh it works" and just before the camera cuts you can see an ad for the movie MirrorMask on the back of one of the comics on the wall. That movie wasn't released until 2005, while this movie is set in 1998. (00:13:30)

Factual error: In several scenes, characters drink 'Scotch Whiskey' from a bottle with a label that is obviously something the props department created. That's how it's spelled on the label, 'Scotch Whiskey'. The problem is, if it's Scotch, it's spelled 'WHISKY' (without the 'e').

Factual error: When the super-scrambled monster is destroying the town, everything it destroys falls down completely, despite the fact the monster only hits one side of it. (01:00:15 - 01:04:40)

Factual error: Despite the film building to a climax during a total solar eclipse, which requires a New Moon, the film constantly shows a Full Moon, which never changes phase over the weeks the film takes place.

Factual error: During one of Blomkvist's flashbacks to his childhood with his babysitter (about 40 years ago), he is wearing Lightning McQueen shoes.

Factual error: At the beginning Scrooge is seen signing Jacob Marley's death certificate in the year 1836. English Birth, Marriage & Death certificates didn't come into being until 1837.

Factual error: When Henry travels back to when his mother is still alive and is riding the el train with her, when he gets off the train downtown there are color coded signs on the platform. Specifically, a brown and purple sign indicating that those color trains stop on that side of the platform. This scene took place sometime in the 1970s since his mother was still alive, but el trains were not color coded until 1993.

Factual error: When Sylvia Ganush attacked Christine in the parking garage, because of the other cars being struck the local police would have conducted a thorough investigation including violent assault and attempted murder. They would have taped off and made spray paint marks, reviewed and photocopied the bank's surveillance footage and interviewed both Ganush and Christine. Plus, when Christine went to Mrs. Ganush's house to ask for forgiveness she is met by Ilenka. The local police would have had the household under investigation for assault and attempted murder, the two additional cars damaged would have been taped off as a crime scene, photographed and possibly checked for fingerprints along with any probable surveillance footage. The situation would have hindered Christine's ability to be at the residence to, and threatened by Ilenka.

Factual error: As Eliott walks across the hillside where the concert is taking place, you can see nylon dome and bivouac style tents. Tents made with metal poles and nylons didn't come to market til the 70s. (01:23:05)

Factual error: The movie takes place in 1987, but during the museum visit the main character is watching video from the Tiananmen Square uprising, which didn't occur until 1989. (00:52:40)

Factual error: When we first see Rat, he's noticeably taller than Mr. Fox in a close-up. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Factual error: The large revolver used by Black Dynamite throughout the film appears to be a Smith & Wesson Model 629 Classic. The movie is set in the early 1970s, but this gun was not produced until 1990.

Factual error: In the scenes on Mars, two spherical moons can be seen in the background. However, in reality, the moons of Mars (Phobos & Deimos) are not spherical. Also they are so small, that they would only appear as moving dots in the night sky, not spheres like Earth's moon.

Factual error: In the beginning of the movie after the 1st murders, when the detective is talking, he states that Grady's/David's car was bought with cash, and the purchase is untraceable because no ID is required, this is not true. A valid picture ID or drivers license is required in order to register the vehicle. Whether it is a fake ID or not, a person has to come up with some sort of ID in order to register a car. Otherwise people would just keep re-registering their vehicles under false names instead of paying parking tickets.

Factual error: When Dr. Marshall and team launch the tank of nitrogen into the mouth of the dinosaur, there's absolutely no reason why the tank would explode as it was swallowed whole and didn't experience any sort of impact that could have punctured, ruptured or broken the valve off the tank.

Factual error: The lead song, "Lollipop," wasn't written until 1958, seven years beyond the chronological order of the movie.

Factual error: Carty and Elvis meet up and are walking up a street. This film is set in 1979 but as they get to the top of the street, top right of the screen there is a modern day Renault Clio car. (00:42:48)

Factual error: The license plate on the sheriff's car when he arrives at the factory is 5Q49926. In California - where the film seems to take place - that is a "Commercial" license plate issued to trucks and commercial vehicles, but law enforcement are issued "Exempt" plates which are 7 numbers.

Factual error: During the hometree bombing, the "sky people" throw gas grenades at the N'avi. It's a cool tactic but because of the helicopter blades rotating right above them, the gas would just get blown away therefore making it a useless thing to use in the war.

Factual error: Some of the scenes show trees without leaves which is correct, but several of the scenes have Myers walking through fields of crops (probably beans) in Illinois, and the trees look full, neither which could be true in late October, as the crops would be harvested or wilted by then, and the trees bare.