Factual error: There is a poster of Shaun Cassidy hanging on Susie's bedroom door - not only was Sean Cassidy only 15 years old at the time, but he hadn't even had a hit single yet.
Suggested correction: If you're talking about the poster visible at the 16-minute mark, I'm pretty sure that is Shaun's half-brother David Cassidy who was at the height of his popularity in 1973.
It's definitely David Cassidy.

Factual error: The credits list several of the characters as "Arab." But the film is set in Afghanistan and the Afghans are not Arabs.

Factual error: In the scene where Patrick meets with the shrink and reveals he's a genius, he multiplies 548 x 297, and comes up with the answer of 16,765. In actual fact, the answer is 16,756. (00:07:45)

Factual error: The part of the movie where they have had the morning updates at the police station, Richard Gere later walks on the sidewalk and stares deliberately at a pair of Muslims praying. The sun is shining on the backs of the Muslims heads indicating that they are facing west even though Mecca would be off to a much more easterly direction from Brooklyn.

Factual error: It seems unlikely Zoe could take a knife to the head which pierced her brain and lived without consequences. She would've probably died or have a permanent injury like frontal lobe epilepsy.

Factual error: When Ben goes to Anna's yoga class, we see the very end of the class. Everyone is seated upright, cross-legged. In real life, yoga classes always end in savasanah, a pose where you lie on your back and breathe to take in all that the body/mind just did. They just had the actors seated upright to show them making eyes at each other.