Tuvia Bielski: If we should die trying to live, at least we live like human beings.
Klaatu: If the Earth dies, you die. If the human race dies, the Earth survives.
Charles Bronson: You don't want to be trapped inside with me sunshine. Inside, I'm somebody nobody wants to fuck with do you understand? I am Charlie Bronson, I am Britain's most violent prisoner.
Ernesto Che Guevara: Homeland or death.
Father Brendan Flynn: I can fight you.
Sister Aloysius Beauvier: You will lose.
Juan Antonio: Well, now that the day's almost over, is it reasonable of me to ask you if you'll both join me in my room?
Vicky: Oh, come on, I thought we'd settled that.
Cristina: Vicky's just trying to say that she's engaged to be married, that's all.
Juan Antonio: Great. Then these are her last days of freedom.
Vicky: No. Look, I'm not free. I'm committed. You know what my theory is? And when I drink, I get brutally frank. I think that you're still hurting from the failure of your marriage to Maria Elena, and you're trying to lose yourself in empty sex.
Juan Antonio: Empty sex? Do you have such a low opinion of yourself?
Harvey Milk: Without hope, life's not worth living.
Hazel: I'm okay.
Caden Cotard: I don't want you to be okay.
Carter Rutherford: I thought you liked me.
Jimmy 'Dodge' Connelly: Look, she's too old for you.
Lexie Littleton: What? Well, you're too old for me.
Jimmy 'Dodge' Connelly: Well, you got me on that one.
Carlos Bragon: Be smart. They were protecting their own, and they were burying the truth.
Ray Tierney: Don't talk to me about the truth. You got no idea what it takes to do what we do.