Best movie questions of 2007

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Disturbia picture

Question: When Mr Turner notices Kale, it is presumed that he let his victim go. But then later in the film, it comes to the viewer's knowledge that the woman never left. How could Mr Turner fake that?


Chosen answer: When Kale goes in Mr. Turner's house to find his mom, he finds a red wig and heels (when he saw the girl leaving Mr. Turner's house, that was Mr. Turner wearing the wig and taking her car to make it seemed like she had left safely).

Disagree. No way a grown man like that could fit into the dress, or be convincing.

More Disturbia questions
3:10 to Yuma picture

Question: McElroy is gutshot at close range. Operated on w/ rusty pliers, no drugs. Minutes later he walks around, and next day seems fine as he rides in a posse. Totally impossible! Shouldn't he be dead?

Answer: Obviously. But to quote Josephus, movies is magic.

More 3:10 to Yuma questions
Aliens vs Predator: Requiem picture

Question: Was the Predator in this film dishonorable at some stage in its life? Its pincer (not sure the actual name) things on its face, one is half gone and he has scars. Is this because he's experienced (hence why he's there) or does he do it because he needs to earn honor back for something (again, hence why he's sent on a suicide mission)?


Chosen answer: Although not proven, the injuries and the wide array of trophies and equipment may imply a long life of hunting. Further as it is receiving official distress signals from what may have been the home world, it is possible it plays the role of 'clean up crew' to mitigate exposure of Predator activity and lost equipment to prey species.

According to the directors, the injuries were a direct homage to Broken Tusk, the primary Predator character in the original Alien vs. Predator comic book.


More Aliens vs Predator: Requiem questions

Chosen answer: In the pub Danny demonstrates using a ketchup packet to simulate stabbing himself in the eye. Later in the film he returns Nicholas Angel's notebook, hiding a ketchup packet in it. He stabs the pocket with the notebook, causing the ketchup to leak and simulate blood.

More Hot Fuzz questions
Broken English picture

Question: Nora goes out with Julian. She asks him where he wants to eat. He doesn't speak. Nora stares at him over sunglasses and says, "Food. Manja." What does manja mean?


Chosen answer: This might actually be the French verb "manger." When spoken it sounds like "manja." It means "eat."


More Broken English questions

Answer: It is my understanding that she "encouraged" her students to keep diaries. Some students did and some of the diary entries were later included in a controversial book (which some people found offensive because of the language used).


More Freedom Writers questions
White Noise 2: The Light picture

Question: WARNING: BIG PLOT SPOILER - I did not completely understand what the devil had to do with the saved people killing other people the third day after they had been saved. According to the plot, "tria mera" is Greek for "third day". The question was "if Jesus came back to life at the third day, what happened with the devil?" That was supposed to explain the killings. I hope someone can give me further clarification.

Chosen answer: The third day (according to the movie) after someone uses the white light to save someone, is when the devil can step in and try to cause chaos. They did try to explain this in the movie, though it didn't make a lot of sense for anyone with any idea about the subject.

More White Noise 2: The Light questions
Surf's Up picture

Question: Can someone please tell me all of the times in the movie where UFOs can be seen?

Answer: There is a UFO in the "Z is for Zurfing" scene and one where it shows Chicken Joe's dad, Chicken Bob in the background of the bucket.

More Surf's Up questions
The Messengers picture

Question: Why does the man at the beginning want to buy the house so badly? The movie never explains it.


Answer: No, that is not the answer and nothing to support that conclusion.

Answer: For its real estate value, the house has a reputation for being haunted and Dylan McDermott, a city boy wanting to be a farm, would fail.

More The Messengers questions
Mr. Brooks picture

Question: What were the last lines of the movie?

Answer: Marshall's line was, "Why do you fight it so hard, Earl?" Earl Brook's was, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time and enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardships as the pathway to peace. Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is and not as I would have it, trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will, that I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen."

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The Orphanage picture

Question: The game they play near the start (the knock on wood game) seems pretty interesting. Is the point of it not to get caught moving or is there another goal? Also, can someone help me with the Spanish translation? I can't hear what the Spanish for Knock on Wood is. Thanks.


Chosen answer: It's a Spanish version of Red Light, Green Light where you'd try not to get caught moving. I haven't watched the film in a while but I believe she says "Uno, dos, tres, toca la pared". Hope that helps!

Angela Brown

More The Orphanage questions
Resident Evil: Extinction picture

Question: What was the point of the scientist releasing the clone Alices and then putting them through the test to have them killed? Did they explain this and I missed it or what?


Chosen answer: The reason that the cloned alices were put through the tests was their attempt to get a "perfect" clone of her. They knew that Alice was the key to taking back the zombie infestation, so they were trying to get the "perfect" clone. The perfect clone would have all of her memories and reactions, so they put the clones through that testing facility. If she made it out alive, then she was the perfect clone. If she didn't, then it was back to the drawing board.

Nick Bylsma

More Resident Evil: Extinction questions
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer picture

Question: Did anyone else notice how much more blue Sue's eyes seemed to be in this movie than the first? Was that a mistake or intentional?

Answer: I would assume that the director wanted to make her appear closer to the comic book Sue...this would also explain how blonde her hair is in this film.


More Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer questions
Halloween picture

Question: Why did Michael stop attacking his sister and take off the mask, showing her the picture?

Answer: He was hoping that Laurie would realise that she's really his sister. However, because Laurie was just a baby and raised by another family, she had no idea why Michael was showing her the picture or what it had to do with her.

More Halloween questions
Alvin and the Chipmunks picture

Question: In the beginning of the movie, was it really Jason Lee's voice during Dave's song? It sounded really good.

Answer: No it isn't his voice.

More Alvin and the Chipmunks questions
Sunshine picture

Question: The captain of the first Icarus is insane, burned worse than Freddy Krueger, and his crew has been dead conceivably for 7 years. How is he even alive still without medical care, let alone able to attack and murder members of the second Icarus crew? Insanity doesn't bar one from infection or organ failure.

Answer: Actually, there is a perfectly logical explanation for Pinbacker being on the Icarus II: he went through the airlock while the team was searching the ship and sabotaged the connection from there.


Wouldn't the Icarus II immediately sense his presence though? As soon as Capa and Mace reach the airlock, the ship acknowledges that they are there.


Answer: It is implied that Pinbacker's dedication to his mission to destroy humanity allows him to ignore his injuries. It must also be pointed out that Pinbacker was intentionally designed by director Danny Boyle to break the "realism" of the film. His survival is intended to be almost supernatural. Note that there is no possible way Pinbacker could have made it from Icarus I to Icarus II, but he does somehow and it's never explained.


More Sunshine questions
Enchanted picture

Question: It's obvious that both Giselle and Edward know that jumping back into the sewer will get them back to where they came from, so why doesn't Giselle jump back in right away when she is first tossed into New York?

Answer: Obviously, Giselle didn't know. She was shoved into the wishing well by the hag and had no idea what had happened to her. Edward, being familiar with his stepmother's magic, was better prepared.

Super Grover

More Enchanted questions
Shrek 3 picture

Question: Why does Charming claim to be the "rightful king of Far Far Away"? He is not in the hereditary line of succession and failed to marry Fiona, which is the relationship that made Shrek an heir.

Answer: He was arrogant and narcissistic, who believed the throne was his because he was a prince, charming and handsome. A legend in his own mind.

More Shrek 3 questions
Fracture picture

Question: How could Anthony Hopkins be arrested for turning off his wife's life support? He was acquitted of shooting her, so he's legally considered innocent of that, and he was completely legally entitled to turn off her life support.


Chosen answer: Once Crawford (Anthony Hopkins) took his wife off life support, it resulted in her dying. Crawford was arrested for murder, not because of taking her off life support but because his shooting of her resulted in her death ultimately. Crawford was only tried (and acquitted) for attempted murder. Since this is a new charge, double jeopardy did not apply.

He did not materially pull the plug, though, did he? He went through the proper procedure, and it was within his rights to do so. Not to mention there would be issue preclusion, and the facts established in the previous trial couldn't be relitigated.


More Fracture questions
Superman/Doomsday picture

Question: After the "death" of Superman, why did Jimmy take a job at another paper?

Answer: It was his way of coping with grief after Superman dies. Jimmy felt he needed to be in a new environment, away from painful memories. Similarly, Perry White turned to alcohol for solace, while Lois Lane sought out Clark's mother, Martha Kent for help.


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