Question: What is the whole deal with the black guy who sleeps all the time? And Sydney was sneaking in changing the time on the clock. I can't quite get the gist of that. Please help and thanks in advance.

Question: When Jake, Amber, and Jonesy are eating barbecue (Kimberly's leg), a burnt-out corpse can be seen sitting in the driver's seat of a car near the trio. Who is it? It appears the three contestants didn't see it even if it is near them.
Answer: It's just a prop to make the game more realistic.

Question: Are this film's Zodiac killer and the Scorpio Killer in "Dirty Harry" based on the same person?
Chosen answer: Scorpio is loosely based on the Zodiac killer, yes. However, "Zodiac" is made to portray the hunt for the real-life Zodiac killer (as accurately as possible), with only a few ficticious elements thrown in for the sake of story-telling, while "Dirty Harry" is pure fiction.

Question: Is Matt LeBlanc one of the dancing football players at the costume party?
Answer: No. He was not.

Question: What happened to Lee? It never says what she was doing while the others were "out for a test drive" or if they went back for her. I heard somewhere that the guy raped her. Is this true?
Answer: Since the actor is the same actor who played the raping guy in Kill Bill, it's seen as a hint that she is, in fact, raped.

Question: When Laurence Fishburne shot someone in the head, it was with a scoped rifle. After the gun fight, how come there was no scope on the rifle?
Answer: When Sydney arrives at the Vortex, she is told that Embele is a Nigerian transfer student, who is still jet lagged despite the fact that he has been in the U.S. for about three years already. She decides to take matters into her own hands to help him. Every single day she adjusts the time on his alarm clock, so each day he is a bit closer to the actual local time. Then after about a month or two, his body has slowly adjusted to the proper time, which allows him to function normally, instead of sleeping all the time.
Super Grover ★