Question: What happened to the previous CIA director in The Bourne Supremacy who was replaced by Erza Kramer in The Bourne Ultimatum?

Question: In Mrs. Lovett's song "By the Sea," near the end she sings "Bring along your chopper!" What is the word "chopper" supposed to mean? Sweeney can bring his what?
Answer: His knife/razor/sharp edge to kill someone with.

Question: ***Question contains spoiler*** OK, maybe I'm dense, but what was the point of killing the kid? Was it just another scene designed to shock the audience?
Answer: The kids were beating on Beth. If she was beaten and bruised she's worth less money. So Sasha told the "leader" of the gang to choose one to die or he will.
Chosen answer: I think it was meant to show that there is a line that the kids can't cross - if they do, then one of them will get sacrificed...hence why the adult doesn't show any mercy in doing it, and the kids know that something nasty is about to happen.

Question: Whose house was it? The mother mentioned she was not the lady of the house. Was she a caretaker?
Answer: When Captain Hamilton and his troop first arrive he is greeted at the front door by Mrs. MacMorrow, Kirstie and Angus. He then says, "The housekeeper, Mrs. MacMorrow, is making all the arrangements," whereupon he realizes HQ failed to notify her of their arrival. Then Mrs. MacMorrow says, "When Lord Killin went off to the RAF, only a few of us stayed on here...I'm afraid I really would need Lord Killin's permission." Later it is also made clear that the shed (where Angus hangs out and Lewis Mowbray stays) was used by his father, who was a caretaker on Lord Killin's estate.

Question: What does the note Juno writes to Vanessa say? I could never read it.
Answer: Juno tells Vanessa that she's still willing to go through with the adoption if Vanessa is also willing ("If you're still in, I'm still in") - knowing that Vanessa will be a divorced single mom. She knows how much the baby means to Vanessa.

Question: Why did Grandpa join the angry mob? It would make much more sense if he was either on his family's side or simply remained completely neutral.

Question: If Sandra is at the scene of the accident, what is the purpose of the police officer showing up at the door to tell her Jim is dead?
Answer: It's fairly obvious that this film's theme is that knowing the future changes it. I.e. knowing there would be an accident, she travelled there and caused an accident.
Answer: Possibly she left the scene before the police arrived, so they did not know she had been there.

Question: How did Chigurh get his gun back? After the shootout in the hotel, when Moss is first hit, occupies the car and then shoots Chigurh, Chigurh disappears and Moss takes his gun. Moss then drives to the border with the car, and presumably dumps them somewhere or leaves them in the car. Well, when Chigurh later kills Carson Welles, he has his gun back. How did he get it back? Did he find the car, if it was in there? Did he buy a new one?
Answer: It was a different gun. He kills Carson with a shotgun, while the gun Moss picks up is a silenced SMG by the looks of it.

Question: Can anyone give some insight as to what was used to contaminate the hotel reviewer's room?
Answer: I don't think there's any way of providing an exact answer to this question, but I think it's safe to say that whatever materials they used were highly bacterial but not lethal (otherwise the 5 Diamond Award critic would be dead or in serious condition).

Question: Can someone tell me if I'm interpreting this correctly? When Katie changes her mind about fleeing the house and is found clutching a cross with blood on her hand and leg, Micah takes it and burns it, after which she becomes possessed. Was she successfully warding off the demon with the cross and clutching it so desperately that it made her hand bleed, and then Micah wrongly thought it was being used to attack her and inadvertently made her possession a done deal by burning it?
Answer: The screenwriter confirms in the commentary that burning the cross and picture was a mistake because it was the last defence they had.

Question: What was the whole thing of not wanting to turn in the $987,000 they found in the car because it would make them appear untrustworthy? Why would all cops distrust them for handing it in? I get that dirty cops would be annoyed but when they were counting it in the precinct, every cop was drawing them daggers.
Answer: The idea is if cops wouldn't take a million dollars for themselves, free and clear without risk, they are impeccably honest. Therefore, they wouldn't accept bribes and probably not hold still for shakedowns or payoffs. They wouldn't cover up drug or weapon planting and would testify against crooked cops.

Question: What's the symbolism behind all the blue in the movie?
Answer: Blue's the color for Aubrey's character, and the red one's for Dakota. If you watch the movie carefully you can notice that Aubrey wears blue clothes the most of the time while Dakota wears red ones. So it's just to represent the diferent characters and make the movie obvious.

Question: Is it true that the song "I Don't Dance" was specifically written for Corbin and Lucas because they both auditioned for the role of Ryan, but since Lucas was a better dancer, he got the part?
Answer: It is just a coincidence. Corbin's character is all about sports and feels that Ryan is not in the same league when it comes to baseball (pardon the pun). Ryan, on the other hand, wants to prove that dancing takes just as much athleticism and dedication as sports therefore the game and song are a showdown between two cliques you generally find in high school, the athletes and the drama club.

Question: What is the type of green dress that Sabine wears?
Answer: Crochet.

Question: I don't get the joke Chris told Liz in the cabin motel about the Zen master that ordered a hotdog with everything. What was funny?
Chosen answer: The Zen master tells the hotdog vendor to "Make me one with everything," a pun, of sorts, on the Zen philosophy of becoming one with the universe.

Question: At the very beginning, it says that a family got stranded in a desert. Is it referring to the Carter family from the first film?
Answer: Yes it is.

Question: What exactly is wrong with cameras? It's a public area. They have no privacy either way.
Answer: It is debatable if there is anything wrong with using cameras, but I can think of some possible answers to "what exactly is wrong with using cameras" at a school yard. Cameras symbolize authority over and oppression of students by the principal (and other authority figures). Cameras are indicative of a lack of trust of ALL students, but usually there is only a small percentage of trouble-makers. The use of cameras unjustly undermines the maturity of most students and makes the students resent the school authority figures. Cameras make the assumption that all the students are engaging (or might engage) in unacceptable behavior, which is offensive to the majority of students who follow the rules. Cameras are contrary to our value of "freedom" and that Uncle Sam does not have a right to constantly monitor citizens. People should not be videotaped in a free society if they have done nothing wrong. Many people simply do not like being videotaped. Cameras can record embarrassing acts.
That doesn't answer the question.

Question: What was the significance of showing us Lyla dropping her necklace outside the hotel? Louis didn't pick it up did he?
Answer: I think it was a necklace she was given by her father, and it breaking shows that she is breaking away from him. Her father picks it up, not Louis.
If her father picks it up, how is Wizard wearing it later in film?
Chosen answer: The script of The Bourne Supremacy actually calls Martin Marshall the "Deputy Vice-Director" of the CIA, although in the same script and film dialog, Landy refers to him as "Director Marshall". So it appears Kramer is CIA Director in all the Bourne films, but Marshall is either acting Director in Kramer's absence or is just referred to as a Director.
Sierra1 ★