Other mistake: In the final scene, as Hannibal drives away, the car is spotlessly clean - after driving hours on slushy roads, the car should be filthy.

Other mistake: When Jenna was having her ultrasound, the doctor picked up a linear probe. This probe is only used for vascular purposes (arteries, veins) and cannot go deep enough to show an unborn baby. It also produces a rectangular image on the screen. The doctor should have used a curved probe which produces a curved image on the screen, which is exactly what was shown in the next shot.

Other mistake: The ink on the pad and the ink on the stamp that Fred marks the kids "nice" are wrong. If you look at it Fred doesn't hit all the colors in the pad. He only hits one color.

Other mistake: There's a scene at the end of the movie where Annie is sitting looking through some graduate school brochures, and her boyfriend Hayden comes over and hands her a letter from the "5th Avenue Mom" she used to work for. She says she can't read it so he offers to read it to her. The camera shows a close-up of the letter as Hayden starts to read. In the letter it's written that it's been "some time" since we've spoken, but he reads it as "several months."

Other mistake: In the bedroom scene before Dan Evans leaves his family, there are two petroleum lamps attached to the wall and lit up although there is still daylight. Given their financial distress, they would have never done anything like this. Moreover, the light is not flickering because the film crew used light bulbs.

Other mistake: In the Forbidden Forest, after Grawp has put Hermione down after grabbing her, he turns round and bends down to pick something up. When the shot turns to Ron, Hermione and Harry they are still looking up at Grawp even though he's bending down. Their position doesn't move. Ron even looks Grawp up and down, even though he's still bent over with his back to the students. (01:27:10)

Other mistake: There's a scene where they turn a wheel to control the flow of water into a much larger chamber. The cavern that is presumably completely filled with water (water is dripping off the ceiling) is massive. The flow from the smaller chamber into the cavern is relatively small. They enter moments after stopping the flow to find the cavern is drained. It should A) either take the cavern a very long time to drain or B) the cavern should never have been fully filled with water.

Other mistake: Lorna is hanging too high for Ms. Bathory to slit her throat with the small scythe while lying down in the tub during the bloodbath scene.

Other mistake: During the "Come Together" sequence when all of the business men have their big dance number, if you look to the right closely, one of the business men trips.

Other mistake: When the bunch of soldiers find Dr. Paul Foster, one of them removes the doctor's wallet from the crack in his skull. In this scene, Foster's eyes are open and seem to be red. Before and after this scene, when you can see the eyes, they are clear white. The wallet has traces of blood and brain matter on it, but the blood looks too reddish. If it is some hours old, it should look darker. (00:34:10)

Other mistake: At the end, during the neighborhood fight scene, Monty is punching Joe, but you can clearly see that he is not actually coming in contact with Joe's face.

Other mistake: During the baseball game, Ryan's team was in the field first meaning they were the home team. After Chad scored giving his team the lead, Ryan's team should have batted again since, according to baseball rules, home team bats last.

Other mistake: When Beverly Farley asks her son, John, where he has, she states that she thought John was going to ride together with her and Mr. Woodcock, to the awards ceremony. But later, when she leaves the ceremony she is mad in her own car, and Mr. Woodcock's car is right next to the awning. So Beverly and Mr. Woodcock did not drive there together. (01:00:20 - 01:06:10)

Other mistake: In the scene where you first see Tracy in class, one of the boys speaks and the subtitles reads," Ms. Whimsy, I can't see the board again." When Tracy says it, the subtitle reads Wimsey.

Other mistake: Two mistakes in one scene. Continuity Error: As Dewey's father is dueling with Dewey with a machete, Dewey's father cuts a ladder in half. Later in the same scene, you will notice that the ladder is whole. The second (Revealing Mistake) shows a wire leading up from the barn floor to Dewey's father's bottom half, supporting the effect. (01:12:10 - 01:13:05)

Other mistake: Just before Debbie takes her shirt off after Walter has given all of the Playpen girls suggestions, one of the girls says "It's hot in here." (probably Debbie, but it doesn't really sound like her), but Mona doesn't start having an orgasm, when "in" is supposed to start it. (00:33:50)

Other mistake: In the scene in the beginning when Chazz Michael Michaels is being introduced, there is a brief shot where Chazz is alone skating in the same storage where, much later in the movie, Jimmy and Chazz practice for the World Wintersport Championship.

Other mistake: About a third of the way into the film when Nick leaves school and is running home he gets hit by a car and run over by a truck. Before both events the vehicles horns can be heard, as if the drivers are warning Nick to get out of the road. If Nick was invisible there would be no reason for them to honk their horns at all.

Other mistake: After Dark Superman kills Toyman, someone calls Lois and tells her that. She answers the phone and says "Lane... HE DID WHAT!?" She responds to the news way too quickly. There wasn't even enough time for the person on the other end to say anything, much less inform Lois that Superman killed someone. (00:48:55)

Other mistake: When Henry and Lefroy strip off before going swimming, they enter the water wearing their boots, however their trousers have been removed despite there not having been time for them to remove them and replace the boots.