Will Stanton: It's so... and ya know, and I'm like... this whole thing's just... arrr, you know.
Merriman Lyon: Is that it?
Mariane Pearl: And kidnappers - their point is to terrorize people. But I am not terrorized, and you can't be terrorized.
Douglas Freeman: This is my first torture.
Erik Kernan Jr.: The Jermaine story I covered. It was a good fight.
Ralph Metz: Yeah, I buried it.
Erik Kernan Jr.: But why?
Ralph Metz: Something's gotta be buried.
Erik Kernan Jr.: That's what high school wrestling's for, right?
Linda Hanson: Something is seriously fucked up.
Senator Jasper Irving: We're fighting a brand of evil that thinks the last 1,300 years of human progress is heresy punishable by violent death.
Paige Hardwicke: Oh, let's see the new Colin Farrell movie.
Carter Webb: Oh, let's not.
Barbara Baekeland: If you're tired of Paris, you're tired of everything.