Bill: They hate that I'm working at their bank. I hate that I'm working at their bank.
Carter Webb: Grandma, listen to me. It's not okay to answer the door when you're not wearing pants. In fact, it's never okay to do anything involving other people when you're not wearing any clothes.
Florentino Ariza: Please allow me to wipe the slate clean. Age has no reality except in the physical world. The essence of a human being is resistant to the passage of time. Our inner lives are eternal, which is to say that our spirits remain as youthful and vigorous as when we were in full bloom. Think of love as a state of grace, not the means to anything, but the alpha and omega. An end in itself.
Gary: This is all a dream?
Margaret: No.
Gary: I'm in a coma?
Margaret: No.
Gary: I'm dead? This is hell or purgatorium or something?
Margaret: Okay, purgatorium is where Romans vomited, but no, this is as real as anything can be.
Gary: What does that mean?
Margaret: Everything is what it is. You're not who you think you are.
Tad Gruzsa: You know why you're here.
Tim Kearney: Probably cuz you want me to roll over on somebody, right?
Tad Gruzsa: Wrong, we don't want you to roll over on somebody. We want you to be somebody.
Tim Kearney: That's what my mom used to say.
Vivian: What we are not is what we are taught to fear.
Pathfinder: You have become the Pathfinder for the Dragon People. Good.
Ghost: I'm dying.
Pathfinder: Don't complain to me about it.
Minister Tormer: There's not enough.
Avner Less: Enough what?
Minister Tormer: Enough hard evidence that his lawyer can't chip away at in court, or get him extradited to Germany. There's no death penalty in Germany. Which is ironic.
Rachel: We can all survive Simon, you just don't have to look so damn sad doing it.
Maps: Just remember Misty, no matter what, you're still a December boy.
Carlton Leach: Listen, if I was you, I'd get those punters out of there 'cause the moment those Turks walk out that door, I'm gonna go fucking Schwarzenegger on the cunt.
Ram Shankar Nikumbh: Lf you fancy racing, breed racehorses, dammit, not children.
Richard Langley: Whoever in this room who knows what goes on in the mind of the person who sleeps next to you... please, raise your hand... I know you can't, not honestly.