April Epner: Your wife was seeing someone else?
Frank: Pretty much everyone else. I was too much for her.
April Epner: Your wife? I'm sure she didn't feel that way.
Frank: She told me.
April Epner: What did she say?
Frank: 'You're too much for me.'.
April Epner: Ugh.

Aiden: Creeks lead to rivers.

Maps: Just remember Misty, no matter what, you're still a December boy.

Sugarman: I have seen him this crazy since his mother died.
Benji McGarvie: That's not "crazy," Mr. Sugarman. That's love.

Kale: I'm having a kid. Your little boy's growing up, I got a girl pregnant, now I gotta go visit her. She lives in Reno, I don't know how I'm gonna get there. Probably have to take Mom's car. But, we're gonna live together. We're gonna live in the trailer park. Her name's Shirley, she's real great.

John Oldman: Why not pass the Buddha's teachings on in a modern form.

Nazneen Ahmed: We must not run from our fate. What cannot be changed must be borne. The test of life is to endure.

Linda Hanson: Something is seriously fucked up.

Guy: I was going to tell you everything eventually.