Barbara Baekeland: If you're tired of Paris, you're tired of everything.
Erik Kernan Jr.: The Jermaine story I covered. It was a good fight.
Ralph Metz: Yeah, I buried it.
Erik Kernan Jr.: But why?
Ralph Metz: Something's gotta be buried.
Erik Kernan Jr.: That's what high school wrestling's for, right?
Jude: People actually think I have some kind of a fantastic imagination. It gets very lonesome.
Harry: I can give you the ten commandments in ten words: "Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't."
Chief Buchwald: But didn't you just say that you would do whatever you were told?
Det. Emily Sanders: Yeah, I sometimes exaggerate for effect.