Arthur: Y'know, it's nature's will. And I'm against nature. I don't dig nature at all.
Arthur: I accept chaos. I don't know whether it accepts me.
Arthur: Silence, experience shows, is what terrifies people most.
Jude: God, I'm glad I'm not me.
Jude: How can I answer that if you got the nerve to ask me?
Jude: You know, saying 'cause of peace', it's like saying, 'hunk of butter', you know, I don't want you to listen to anybody who wants you to believe is dedicated to the hunk and not the butter.
Reporter: I'm not sure I follow.
Jude: You know, I didn't come out of some cereal box. There's no-one out there who's gonna be converted by a song.
Arthur: Woody Guthrie was dead, Little Richard was becoming a preacher, so whether you're a folksinger or a Christian, Rock'n'Roll was the devil.
Jude: People actually think I have some kind of a fantastic imagination. It gets very lonesome.
Reporter: Jude! One word for your fans?
Jude: Astronaut.