Revealing mistake: At one point in Heat Miser's song, he eats two fireballs. Directly above the second fireball you can see the reflection of string used to hold it up.

Revealing mistake: Throughout the scene when it is revealed that Jack has been offered a six month trial with the local team, the wall clock is stuck at the same minute and second. (00:18:30)

Revealing mistake: When Lindsey runs to answer her phone after she asks Slevin to explain why he was still wearing a towel, you can see the tattoo on Josh Hartnett's left shoulder blade coming through the makeup.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where the group of unlucky virgin sacrifices make it to the Minotaur's sleeping chamber and are banging on the door trying to get out, one of them is gored and lifted into the air. When this happens you can see the harness and wires (the cables are about 1/2 an inch thick and black, one either side of the body). In the same shot the clothing of the gored victim is bunched up over the cables also. (00:47:40)

Revealing mistake: While Suit is in a coma, there's a closeup of the monitor beside his bed showing Suit's vitals, and at the top of the monitor's screen are the words "adult simulating," with the timed "simulating" flashing off and on. There's also a strip of narrow filament tape covering "simulating," but the tape is transparent, so we can still see it flashing. (01:17:25)

Revealing mistake: When Phoebe is looking at herself in the mirror, she's trying to find out why she isn't attractive enough for roles. When she takes her bra off and inspects her breasts, it's painfully obvious that that is not her real torso, as her head kind of bobs around in a strange fashion, showing that her face/head was superimposed onto another woman's body.

Revealing mistake: When Michael fast forwards through traffic for the very first time, right before he hits the slo-mo button on the female jogger, if you look inside the circle part of the remote, the graphics are missing.

Revealing mistake: In the badminton scene when Sadie flashes her breasts, her chest and abdomen are much more tanned than her hands and face are. The makeup people didn't match up the body double's skin tone to the actress'.

Revealing mistake: When the speaker during the first game played says "This game might have had a different outcome", everyone in the crowd looks at a different spot, but the small kids agree on just looking straight into the movie camera. (00:01:25)

Revealing mistake: During the final race, Wrangler is shown knocking a yellow car off the race course. A few seconds before this, there are two shots from behind Wrangler, that are just still frames. The shot does not show Wrangler driving or even moving and is completely still. The shot from behind is merely just a still image, that has been extended to last a split second. The same still frame image is also repeated two shots later. (00:27:35)

Revealing mistake: When Langdon comments on the geometric pairing of the two pyramids you can tell the point of the crystal pyramid is slightly to the left of the point of the other pyramid.