Revealing mistake: When Megan peeks through that slot thing at least two of the bad guys look straight at her.

Revealing mistake: When Bob has difficulty with his seat belt at the start of the road trip, the side-view mirrors have a translucent finish, just as in other shots throughout the film; however, the mirrors' surfaces are normal in the rest of the shots. Deliberately done to obscure the reflection of the crew. (00:13:20)

Revealing mistake: When Cole's friend is being attacked by crows, Cole and his sister are driving. The car starts to skid and an above shot shows many skids marks on the road from previous takes.

Revealing mistake: Just as the bus begins to roll down the mountainside, cables are visible which were holding the bus in place. Most easily seen during the first complete rollover. (00:05:45)

Revealing mistake: Just before the end credits, as Superman is flying past Metropolis and into space, watch the car headlights in the background. The background shot is blatantly sped-up by a large amount, as all of the cars appear to be travelling at huge speeds, even in a traffic jam.

Revealing mistake: Jorge misses scanning the barcode on the tire by several inches at the end of the competition, but it rings up anyway.

Revealing mistake: The money that the two gang members are counting in the opening view of the hotel room scene is obviously fake. Notice how white the bills are, when they should be greener and have more of the random anti-counterfeit features. (00:02:00)

Revealing mistake: When Gary and his friend are drinking Bud in the bar, the Bud label moves between shots to keep facing the camera. Gary doesn't touch the bottle.

Revealing mistake: Near the end, when the captain is walking out of the labyrinth holding the baby, you can tell it's a dummy. The baby does not move in the slightest, you can't even see it breathe.

Revealing mistake: In the scene at Frankie's house, Vanessa panics when she awakens and realizes Frankie and the children are away. When they re-enter, Frankie is heard telling the children that the carton he is carrying is "ice cream for Mommy." Frankie asks to speak with Vanessa in another room and sets the carton on a table. The sound of the connection makes it obvious the carton is completely empty.

Revealing mistake: When Cindy hugs Tom (Charlie Sheen) and the razor blade gets stuck to his chest, the patch the blade is attached to under his shirt is visible. (00:05:45)

Revealing mistake: In the helicopter chase Ethan and Lindsey (and the defibrillator) are just sitting on the floor of the helicopter while it is doing very radical moves. They would have been thrown around.

Revealing mistake: In chapter 14, Bill Cox calls Harry, who's asleep in bed. Harry answers his flip phone, but doesn't flip it open. (00:54:50)

Revealing mistake: The roller coaster used for the Devil's Flight is really the Corkscrew at Playland in Vancouver, where all three movies were filmed. If you look during the opening credits, you can see the name "Corkscrew" up in the lights above the coaster. After this, it says Devil's Flight during the rest of the roller coaster scenes.

Revealing mistake: When one twin (presumably Alfred) is removing the other twin's fingers, "Alfred's" upper arm passes through his twin's head as "Alfred" reaches for the hammer. [Fixed on DVD.]

Revealing mistake: When Robert Thorn and Keith Jennings are opening the graves, they are sitting and kneeling on the snow-covered ground. However, none of the snow clings to their clothing, and Roberts light trousers do not get any wet spots on them from the snow, revealing that the snow is fake.

Revealing mistake: When the dad inserts the rectal thermometer into Calvin and he looks up, the CGI head is too obvious, especially when he is putting his head back down on the bed.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Rose shines the flashlight down into the mine shaft, the light from the flashlight can be seen reflecting off of it, as if the lava down in the shaft is just a picture (or on a green screen).

Revealing mistake: When Julia does her dance for the firemen, they hit her with the fire hose and she gets knocked back. In a few shots after that, especially in the close-up of her swishing her hair back, you can see on her neck that the neck-fat piece has come loose.

Revealing mistake: At the beginning of the HBO broadcast, some brief clips of Mason "The Line" Dixon in action are shown. Look closely at one clip where he's wearing white trunks, and you'll see "TARVER" written across the front in big black letters, revealing, of course, that it's a real-life clip of boxer/actor Antonio Tarver.