Robin: Starfire, you know your my best friend.
Starfire: And you're mine.
Ashley Albright: Here we go again. Maggie you've known me since Seventh Grade, right? Okay, will you please tell her that I'm not lucky.
Maggie: Well, you were voted prom queen at Franklin High.
Ashley Albright: So?
Maggie: We went to Jefferson.
Judson: The location of King Solomon's mines must never be found.
Marcus: I know what you have done, Selene.
Selene: Viktor deserved his fate. And Kraven was no better.
Marcus: Kraven has already reaped the rewards of his own misdeeds. And yes, Viktor deserved his fate, many times over. A terrible business, the slaying of your mortal family. Yet so much effort was spent to conceal this matter from me. What do you suppose Viktor had to hide? Or perhaps it is you Selene, as the last of your wretched family, who has something to hide?