Trivia: In the film, Bond says to M, "So you want me to be half-monk, half-hitman." This is a reference to the character John Ballard (played by Daniel Craig) in the 1998 film "Elizabeth".

Trivia: The face on the small music box lid is visible when Will steals the key from Davy Jones. At Tia Dalma's, when Jack steals the ring, it lies beside a necklace whose pendant is identical to the face on Davy Jones's music box.

Trivia: The opening shot of the film is the most expensive shot ever produced using CGI, costing at around $2.5million.

Trivia: The combat simulation the X-Men are running on their first appearance in the film features the dread Sentinel robots. Originally, these were meant to appear in the second movie already, but the idea was scrapped. The simulation also bears a close reference to the parallel comic storyline and later movie X-Men: Days of Future Past, where the Sentinels rebelled against humanity, killed most of Earth's superheroes and erected a totalitarian regime in the US.

Trivia: Norma Jean and Memphis are named for Marilyn Monroe and Elvis. Elvis is from Memphis, Tennessee and some of Memphis's movements are like his. Norma Jean is Marilyn Monroe's birth name and Norma Jean sings like her.

Trivia: Upgrayedd is portrayed by Scarface of the group Geto Boys. Mike Judge's previous film, Office Space, included Geto Boys songs such as Still, when the office workers smash the printer. According to the DVD commentary - The explanation given by Officer Collins in the Army staff meeting that Upgrayedd is spelled with two D's for a "double dose of this pimpin'" is a direct reference to the documentary American Pimp, in which real-life pimp Rosebudd offers that same explanation for the spelling of his name.

Trivia: At the unemployment office, when Larry Daley (played by Ben Stiller) speaks to Debbie he says that he felt a connection with her when he first walked into her office and with a deadpan face she quips back that she did not. Debbie is played by Ben Stiller's real-life mom, actress and comedian, Anne Meara.

Trivia: The movie contains a spoof of Saving Private Ryan, where Manny is hit by a geyser and temporarily loses his hearing. Incidentally, the German voice for Manny, Arne Elsholtz, also synchronizes Tom Hanks, who also stars in that movie, which creates an inside joke by happenstance in the German version.

Trivia: The scene in which Julia brings Ethan back to life is copied almost identically from the scene in "Lost" (Director JJ Abrams' hit TV show) where Charlie is brought back to life. Incidentally, you can hear the "Lost" music played throughout the show, most noticeable when Davian is about to pick up the gun to kill Julia.

Trivia: When the "Dragons" are being released around the world, you see a baby carriage nearly falling into one of the cracks that forms in the ground, only to be saved at the last minute. The baby-crying sound effects were actually provided by Selma Blair, who does the voice of Liz Sherman (and also played her in the live action film), after the makers realized she could do a perfect impression of an infant crying.

Trivia: In the beginning when Roddy is waking up, a glass Alex the Lion (from "Madagascar") cookie jar is visible on the window sill. When Roddy is looking for something to wear, one of the outfits he holds up is Wallace's sweater vest from "Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit".

Trivia: During the scene in Kevin Costner's office after the bar brawl involving Ashton Kutcher and his Coast Guard buddy Hodges, the title of the newspaper from which Costner reads about Kutcher's car accident is "The Cedar Rapids Chronicle." Kutcher is actually from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (although the real name of the paper is the Cedar Rapids Gazette).

Trivia: The picture that is plastered all over the side of the RV of Irv, the salesman, is actually a picture of the director, Barry Sonnenfeld.

Trivia: When Theo goes to visit his cousin at his apartment at Battersea Power Station, an inflatable pig can be seen flying between the smokestacks, a recreation of and reference to the cover of the Pink Floyd album "Animals," whose vision of society the film mirrors.

Trivia: For his role, Kiefer Sutherland had to practice roaring like a lion. Instead of doing it at home with his daughter and step-daughter around, he practiced in his car, unaware of a woman watching him from the next lane.

Trivia: The boat that takes George to America, and again back to Africa, is named the H A Rey. This is a tribute to the author of the Curious George children's books.

Trivia: A Wilhelm scream can be heard during the beach volleyball/fighting scene - a henchman is thrown off a balcony and emits one as he falls.