Trivia: Some say that Leroy is experiment 628. Some people haven't noticed that in the episode with 627, at the end of the episode, Jumba had said, "Maybe next time will be better" as he places a pod that said 628. So 628 had already been created. He was never shown in the entire series, though Leroy is 629.

Trivia: Abigail Breslin, who plays Trish the elf girl, is the younger sister of Spencer Breslin, who plays Curtis.

Trivia: The four customers who are seated behind Sheryl and Richard during the diner scene are the parents of the movie's directors Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris.

Trivia: As a bit of an easter-egg, Mel Gibson included a single-frame of an actor dressed as Wally/Waldo from the "Where's Wally/Waldo?" book series in the theatrical version of the film. It was reportedly seen as being in poor taste, so it was removed from the initial DVD release. However, he was allegedly added back into the film for the Blu-Ray release.

Trivia: The movie is based on a true story. Dieter Dengler was born in Germany just before WWII, and eventually left for the US. He told this story in the book "Little Dieter Needs to Fly" and a 1997 film (Werner Herzog) with the same same.

Trivia: A total of 500 boys auditioned for the lead role of Alex Rider.

Trivia: The plot of the movie is based on a 1934 play Thunderstorm by Yu Cao, a Chinese playwright, set in the 10th-century imperial China court. The Mandarin Chinese movie title is taken from the last line of a poem by a 9th-century rebel leader who was at war against the Tang Dynasty.

Trivia: The spacesuit that the character Charles Farmer wore is a replica of the pressure suit used by the Mercury 7 astronauts.

Trivia: The Chitauri spiders attacking London resemble the alien machines from War of the Worlds.