Best thriller movie mistakes of 2005

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Mr. and Mrs. Smith picture

Factual error: The movie is supposed to take place in and around New York City, however during the car chase where Angelina and Brad are fighting off the three BMW's, a wide shot clearly shows a street sign announcing Los Angeles.


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War of the Worlds picture

Continuity mistake: On the ferry, Rachel wears the purple/pink camouflage hoodie over her orange knit sweater with the colorful stripe sleeves, as usual. Now this is where things become strange. In the first shot as the trio come ashore, she is only wearing her orange sweater, she is not wearing the purple/pink hoodie - note the clear lack of fur hood. In the very next shot as they climb a bit more and then rest, Rachel is wearing the purple/pink hoodie - note the hood, but now it's on under her orange sweater. In the underwater shots she is also wearing it under the orange sweater. (This odd mistake has absolutely nothing to do with the very long wool cloak that Rachel wears in the next scene). (01:02:20 - 01:04:40)

Super Grover

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Flightplan picture

Plot hole: The whole concept of a kidnapper 'pretending' his victim didn't get on the plane in the first place is utterly laughable. Even if nobody saw her in her seat, why didn't they see her walking down the aisle to her seat, or waiting to board the plane, or in the boarding tunnel itself? Why isn't she listed on the passenger manifest, or on her mother's travel documents or airline ticket? And there would have been security cameras all over the airport.

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Assault on Precinct 13 picture Assault on Precinct 13 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Portnow meets with Bishop at the church, in the first closeup of Bishop's crossword puzzle the word "MUD" is the second word across at the top, and at the center of the puzzle the 4-letter word "GEAR" is written in the 5-letter answer - with the fist space left empty. However, in the next closeup of the puzzle, now the word "ETA" is the second word at the top and "MUD" is the third, and the word "GEARS" has the "S" added, with the letter "G" started properly in the first space of the answer. (00:10:15)

Super Grover

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Hostel picture

Revealing mistake: Before Paxton is hit with the 3 prong instrument, you can see the bloody holes already on his shirt. (01:01:20)

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The Cave picture

Factual error: When they go into the water, they put mouthpieces in, but, a few times, they talk to each other, which is impossible with mouthpieces in.


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Suggested correction: Sorry to burst your bubble here but there is scuba equipment which allows for talking whilst using a regulator.

They're not wearing such equipment. In the movie they're just wearing regular mouthpieces.

In the DVD commentary the writers explain that the divers should have been wearing full face masks which allow for communication, but the director changed it for mouthpieces, but kept the talking in. They pointed out this mistake.

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Alone in the Dark picture

Revealing mistake: When the team descends to the bottom of a hole and one female member is first wounded and then dies. After checking her pulse, the others pronounce her dead and begin moving out. As the last one is leaving, the "dead" actress lifts her head up off the ground and looks left. (01:13:10)

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The Descent picture

Visible crew/equipment: There is a shot of Holly crawling through a tight space with the camera facing her moving backwards as she crawls forwards (about 30 minutes into the film). In this shot, the wheel marks of the camera can be seen on the ground in front of her. (00:30:05)


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The Amityville Horror picture

Character mistake: When Lisa is taken to the hospital, she tells Kathy that she saw the ghost of Jodie DeFeo. The name of both of the DeFeo's daughters wasn't Jodie. Their names were Dawn and Allison. Jodie was the name of a demonic pig that the Lutz's daughter Missy had befriended.

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Suggested correction: While this is true in the original novel, the writers chose to change it to the DeFeo's daughter's name in the movie. Creative license doesn't count as a mistake.

Torie White

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Saw II picture Saw II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Amanda and Daniel entered the bathroom from 'Saw', Adam's body is shown with his right leg shackled. However, in 'Saw' and in Adam's death flashback in 'Saw III', his left leg is shackled. (01:14:10)


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The Island picture

Deliberate mistake: Gandu Three Echo, the clone who hits the screen showing the first lottery winner in the movie, complains that he has been around for 7 years and never won the lottery. However, McCord explains later in the movie that the last name tells how old the clones are. Lincoln Six Echo is 3 years old because he is in the Echo generation, and the Delta generation (Jordan Two Delta) is 4 years old. Going backwards, this would make Charlies 5 years old, Bravos 6 years old, and Alphas 7 years old. Gandu Three Echo should have really been Gandu Three Alpha. (00:05:55)

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Munich picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Avner shoots the first Palestinian, the dead man falls forward onto his groceries, but the next time the body is seen, he is lying on his back.

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Sky High picture

Character mistake: In the scene where Steve and Josie prepare to leave to fight the giant robot at the beginning of the movie, Steve tells Will "Oh, Will, a reminder: a lot of the kids at Sky High will only have one super hero parent, not two." When he says "one super hero parent", he holds up two fingers. When he says "not two", he holds up only one finger.


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The Interpreter picture

Factual error: We are told at some point that Nicole Kidman has dual nationality because she was born in the US. In the final scene, when she is talking with Sean Penn about her future steps, she says she has been deported and given one day to leave the country. She was a US citizen, so it is impossible that she would be "deported".

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The Pacifier picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Shane is talking to Mrs. Plummer before she leaves, throughout the scene the camera man is reflected in her window (he is in black, not to get confused with Shane's white shirt) and as the car drives away the camera is shown backing up in the black door.

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White Noise picture

Continuity mistake: When John is driving to work and he hears Anna on the radio, he swerves to avoid a car. From inside the car you can see that there are no cars in the rear window, yet when the shot changes to an outside shot, there are 3 cars. (00:33:35)

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Constantine picture Constantine mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Constantine manages to get the mirror through the window he falls on his back. To the right on the screen a chair lies on the floor beside a dresser. A few shots later when it cuts to Constantine getting up we can see the chair has changed position as its back now covers the opening of the dresser. (00:08:15)


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Doom picture

Visible crew/equipment: When the woman is performing an autopsy on one of the dead "creatures" the lights supposedly flicker and turn off. There is a hand visible flicking the switches on the lamp to the right side of the screen. (00:45:40)

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Stealth picture

Factual error: There would not be so many people standing around on the flight deck without some type of ear and eye protection and a float coat.

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The Ring Two picture The Ring Two mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Rachel is preparing the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, she places the knife on top of the open PB jar in a closeup, but in the very next shot the knife has disappeared, then reappears again. (01:23:15)


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