Melinda Sordino: I was raped.

Peter Sellers: People ask me why do I keep compromising my artistic integrity by walking in front of Blake's cameras. And you know what I tell them? Money.

Ned Kynaston: Why does one act?
Maria: When you act, you are seen.

Administrator Normandin: Bravo! As your excellency's father always said, "One shot, one kill." With you, it's pfft-bang! Straight as an arrow.
His Excellency: Straight as your road through the sacred jungles of my ancestors.

Mr. Rad: Get yo' head up. You lost the money, it's gone. But, you can't lay around in yo' misery too long. Do not walk outta' this place and start to second guess yo' talent. You got yo' ass whooped tonight. But, I done seen y'all whoop a many a ass, right in the same place. Now, you lost. Lemme tell you somethin' my father told me, is: "If it don't kill you, it makes you stronger." Remember that.

Jay Corgan: I really am sorry.
Terri Fletcher: Save it. You're not forgiven yet. Come on, let's go.

Paquette: What kind of gun did he have?
Costa: He had the kind that leaves really big holes in people.

Piper: Ever see a 50-foot shark?
Thomas Mackelway: I'm sorry?
Piper: A 50-foot shark. You ever seen one?
Thomas Mackelway: No.
Piper: Doesn't mean there aren't any.

Tommy Corn: Ah, here he comes.
Albert Markovski: Oh, boy.
Tommy Corn: The man-poet who banged France's dark lady of philosophy. The parking lot crusader of truth... who turned his back on his other like a cold-blooded gangsta.

Lenny Richter: Why does it always have to be the 12th floor? Why can't they be on the 4th?

Ray Charles: Man, you told me if I think pennies, I get pennies. I'm thinking dollars, man.

William Travis: Colonel, I became a little heated with you in front of your men. It was ill-advised and not terribly professional.
James Bowie: Don't worry about it. Most of my men didn't even understand the words you were using.

The Dragon: Ask me two questions, wizard, and I will give you the answers.
Ged: Isn't it usually three?
The Dragon: Yes, but with that you're back to two.

Olympias: I was never a barbarian as Phillip said. We are of Achilles' royal blood.