Trivia: The doctor who tells the family Hub checked himself out of the hospital is Eugene Osment, Haley Joel Osment's father.

Trivia: The Spierig bros. went to their butcher and bought rotten chicken and pig guts to enhance the effects.

Trivia: After Natalie shoves the 'ice cube' down Brinkman's throat, during the following melee, when Ronica Miles kicks one of Brinkman's men over the balcony the famous "Wilhelm" scream is heard as he falls.

Trivia: Small children have told Billy Bob Thornton they like the film - he was reportedly "stunned" that parents would allow their kids to watch it.

Trivia: This is the first movie Jackie Chan uses special effects for his fighting.

Trivia: During the closing credits the song played is "La Vie en Rose" sang by Jack Nicholson.

Trivia: Just something to look for: in the scene when Gwenyth Paltrow goes to see Mike Myers about how she thinks her test scores were messed up, she asks him if she can retest and he says, "That's not procedure." The shot then goes back to her and you can see a plaque on the wall that says "That's Procedure."

Trivia: In the baseball scene, Rudolph Giuliani yells, "You can do it!" which is a regular line in Adam Sandler films. Rob Schneider says it in The Waterboy, and then again in Little Nicky. Sandler himself says the line in Schneider's The Animal.

Trivia: Any viewers outside of Britain might not get the joke when Billy Mack isn't sure which one is Ant or Dec. They are very well known in the UK, and dominate Saturday night telly. The joke refers to the fact that even though they are popular, a lot of people don't know which one's which.

Trivia: The boy who played Owen received a dog just like Nelly at the end of shooting the film. The crew pretended it was an extra scene so he would be surprised.

Trivia: The man that shows up at the door to ask about the orgy, is the director of the movie: Todd Phillips.

Trivia: In the opening scene, when the girls are flipping through a photo album they've made for Elle, they get to a picture of her with Sally Field, and one of them remarks, "I like them, I really like them." When Sally Field won her Oscar, she said, "You like me, you really like me."

Trivia: When the film was released during the war with Iraq, the poster of the film was edited by airbrushing the peace sign that Amanda Bynes made. This was done by Warner Bros. so no one will think that the poster is a war protest, or make it seem that the studio is against the war.

Trivia: Charlie Brown is an actual friend of Sofia Coppola. His real name is Fumihiro Hayashi and he owns a fashion magazine in Tokyo.

Trivia: When Harrison Ford is walking through the old guy's mansion, there is a shot of them walking down a hallway. This is the same shot (and house for that matter) that was used in the movie Fletch when he was talking about how Hopalong Cassidy used to live in that house. The front of the house with the fountain in the middle of the circle driveway is also recognizable.

Trivia: In the casino, while D.J. is fighting with Yosemite Sam's goons, Daffy tells him to "bite his ear." This is a reference to boxer Mike Tyson, who bit off a portion of Evander Holyfield's ear during a match.

Trivia: When Roy is talking about his ideal life with Lynn, he mentions his three children, "Vera, Chuck and Dave," a very slick reference to the Beatles song "When I'm 64."

Trivia: Just after Steve Martin finds out that Queen Latifah is a convict you see a picture of her where she is holding up her jail sign. Her name is Charlene Morton. Morton is the last name of Queen Latifah's character in Chicago.

Trivia: When Cindy and the rapper guy are fighting the Ring girl, the president walks in and says, "I just want to wish you both good luck. We're all counting on you." and then he walks out. This is a joke from "Airplane" where Leslie Nielsen is the doctor. He says the same line. The reason it is in the movie Scary Movie 3 is because the director of Airplane also directed this.