Jim Byrd: You're 32 years old, and you've achieved nothing. Jesus Christ was dead and alive again by 33. You better get crackin'.
Khamtay: Why would you buy me those?
Jeffrey Dahmer: Because I like to do nice things for people. Makes me feel good about myself.
Khamtay: Are you some kind of nut?
Jeffrey Dahmer: That's sad.
Khamtay: What?
Jeffrey Dahmer: That we've gotten to a point where doing nice things for people is considered insane.
Gaylord Oaks: Welcome to Prague.
Jake Hayes: Looks like Newark.
Rayford Steele: What can you do?
Buck Williams: I can't do anything, but God can.
Ecks: Where did you get all this ordnance?
Sever: Some women buy shoes.
Clark Devlin: Jimmy, I hate to say this, but don't take advice from women about women.
Kelly Gibbs: Have I told you lately how much I respect and admire you?
Zak Gibbs: Buy a car? Give money to Satan? Oh.
Slim: You know the deal, you're here as an observer. You pay attention to the clock. You do not engage in gun play unless it is strictly necessary. We do not depart from the plan in any way.
Jerry: Yeah, whatever you say. Only one thing, does this plan change any if you're dead?