Best movie corrections of 2001

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Tremors 3: Back to Perfection picture

Corrected entry: In the scene where Jack and Burt first meet, a boy tourist stands in front of the "Welcome to Perfection" (with the graboid rising out of the ground) sign and yells to his mom, "Take a picture of me with the tremor." Jack yells back, "They're called graboids." This was very probably done because when the first Tremors movie came out, there was confusion about what the monsters were supposed to be called.

Correction: Your opinion is not trivia.

More Tremors 3: Back to Perfection corrections
Moulin Rouge picture

Corrected entry: In the scene where Satine and Christian have been kissing right before Zidler discovers them, Christian's face is covered with lipstick kisses. Moments later, it is not.

Correction: They show Christian without lipstick, then a long shot of Zidler, Satine could of been kissing him during that shot. When Christian leaves he has lipstick on his face the entire time.


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Planet of the Apes picture

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie when we see the remains of the Space Station we are led to believe that it has crashed into the Planet with the thrusters sticking out of the ground at a particular angle. How is it that when they all enter the remains everything's perfectly upright?

Correction: It's not perfectly upright. The interior is also canted to one side.

JC Fernandez

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Josie and the Pussycats picture

Corrected entry: When the band gets their makeovers in New York, they step out of the store and they see a huge billboard picture of Josie and the Pussycats. It isn't possible that the picture would be up yet because they hadn't modeled for pictures yet with or without their new makeovers.

Correction: They could have have already had a publicity photo that they gave the company before their makeovers.


More Josie and the Pussycats corrections
The Princess Diaries picture

Corrected entry: After Mia and the Queen play arcade games, Mia goes outside to eat a corn dog. Mia puts mustard on the corn dog and takes a big bite. A moment later, she offers the Queen a bite. When the corn dog is passed to the Queen, it is a new corn dog without bites taken.

Correction: I just watched this movie and the corndog has a bite taken out of it before it is handed to the Queen.

More The Princess Diaries corrections
The Last Castle picture

Corrected entry: When Aguilar is shot, he is hit on the right side of his head, but when they show his body, there is blood on his left temple.

Correction: From the POV of the guard, you see the body fall into the bulldozer's blade. The head injury to the left temple could be from hitting the blade.


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Pearl Harbor picture

Corrected entry: At the start of the attack on Pearl Harbor there are large explosions and noise which makes Danny and Rafe wake up suddenly, but why are there a shot of sailors fishing like nothing's going on around them? (01:25:15)


Correction: They are not woken up by the explosions, they are woken up by the airplanes flying so near them. They even comment on "practicing this early on a Sunday" - practice does not involve blowing things up.

More Pearl Harbor corrections
Ghosts of Mars picture

Corrected entry: At the end the scientist states that the blast would would be only about a mile across. However when we see the explosion from space it clearly envelopes a sizeable part of the planet's surface, much more then a mile squared.

Correction: Scientists have been known to be wrong, hence this is a character error.

Super Grover Premium member

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Joe Dirt picture

Corrected entry: When Joe Dirt is floating around in the hot air balloon, the map shows that he's landing in South Dakota, but he says North Dakota.

Correction: He's an idiot; that's a character mistake.

More Joe Dirt corrections
Scary Movie 2 picture

Corrected entry: On the front of the DVD and video cover of Scary Movie 2, Hanson, the caretaker is seen eating popcorn with his left hand. In the movie his left hand is deformed but it is normal on the cover. This is an unusual mistake as his character is centered around the hand.

Correction: Movie posters are often different than what is depicted in the actual movie. They are artistic impressions, and as such can't be considered a movie mistake. The poster is not the movie.

More Scary Movie 2 corrections
Rat Race picture

Corrected entry: Blaine and Duane pass the Barbie Museum on their way to Silver City, and Blaine identifies Randy's car. However, they never saw Randy's car and wouldn't know what it looked like.

Correction: They could have seen it when they were leaving the hotel.

More Rat Race corrections
Corky Romano picture

Corrected entry: In one of the scenes when Corky and his brothers are in their dad's room, Peter (the fat brother) has on a blue shirt. The camera cuts to Corky or someone else, and his shirt has changed colors to green.

Correction: There is no scene where Peter's shirt changes color. If you're talking about the first time they're all in Pop's room, you see the same blue shirt, even later on in other scenes. It could be the lighting made you think it was green.


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Hannibal picture

Corrected entry: In the scene where Pazzi meets with Lecter in the Capponi Library, at one point Lecter walks behind Pazzi while speaking and the white parts of his dark blue pajamas can actually be seen on top of Pazzi's trench coat. This is because the two shots were in fact spliced together to account for the actor's movements on screen as they spoke. (00:52:21)

Correction: The white in the image is simply Pazzi turning the white pages of the document he is looking at.

More Hannibal corrections
13 Ghosts picture

Corrected entry: In the film, the ghosts are only visible to the human inhabitants of the house if they are wearing special glasses. For the original film from the 1960's, special glasses were distributed because the film was made in such a way that the ghosts were only visible by wearing said glasses.

Correction: The original film was in 3-D, that's why the audience was given glasses.

tom alma

More 13 Ghosts corrections
Jurassic Park III picture

Corrected entry: After the crash Tea Leoni and the rest of the crew run and run and do some more running, and during all this they are all hitting mud puddles, creeks, dirt in general. When this is all over Tea's yellow shirt is still yellow and not black or a dark yellow - it looks as clean as it was when she was flying on the plane before the crash. Funny how everyone else looks semi-dirty though.

Correction: They weren't running through mud puddles and creeks, just tall grass and an open clearing. Some characters got dirty because they fell on the ground (some of the mud we kind of see is Dr. Grant crawling around felled trees). But, her shirt certainly is as dirty as other characters who didn't fall down.


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The Fast and the Furious picture

Corrected entry: After the end of the first street race when Dom is going on about being a real racer and how it doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Behind him is a kid in a black shirt with spiky hair, it then cuts over to Brian and the same kid is behind him. (00:22:38)

Correction: I just watched this and the same people are in the same place depending on the angle. There is someone who looks like the kid behind Brian, who is behind Dom.

Ssiscool Premium member

More The Fast and the Furious corrections
Evolution picture

Corrected entry: During one of the final scenes in a laboratory, some of the characters are talking about finding 500 gallons of selenium to help stop this evolution. When they ask, "Where are we going to find 500 gallons of Selenium at 2 o'clock in the morning?" there is sunlight coming through the trees outside the window. (01:20:52)

Correction: The light looks quite artificial, it could easily be a security light.

More Evolution corrections
Black Hawk Down picture

Corrected entry: When General Garrison is watching what's happening on the screens back at the JOC, they are in black and white; yet in the real event it states that he was watching it all on a colour screen.

Correction: It is colour screens, but the colour is subtle.

Ssiscool Premium member

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Behind Enemy Lines picture

Corrected entry: After Burnett changes his uniform and runs away from the soldiers, he and the other man run to the pick up site just to watch the chopper turn around. During that time, the Bosnians release TV footage of a dead man telling Americans it's Burnett, and the American TV does a little news update about it. But the run only took them ten minutes, how could anyone have enough time to release news about it?

Correction: Burnett changes the uniform in the city (Hac) and then he runs away. After an unspecified period he find the other man (Ice Cube fan) in a forest, grab him and then run together for a while (again unspecified period). The assumption that it takes only 10 minutes is obviously wrong.

More Behind Enemy Lines corrections
Legally Blonde picture

Corrected entry: After Elle gets dumped by her boyfriend (near the beginning), she is walking along the street and shots switch between her and her (ex)boyfriend in the car. The shot switches to her and suddenly her hair is quite messed up.

Correction: Her hair is messed up the entire time she is walking after the breakup.

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