Trivia: Daniel von Bargen plays Bruce Willis' father in the movie, even though in real life he's only five years older than Willis.

Trivia: Robert Patrick plays Matt Damon's father in the movie, even though in real life he's only 12 years older than Damon.

Trivia: Audrey Hepburn was fluent in English, French, Dutch, Flemish, Spanish and Italian. She served with the Dutch Resistance in WWII - at the tender age of 15.

Trivia: The movie is inspired by "Vulgar the Clown," the original mascot for Kevin Smith's production company View Askew. The mascot was created for Smith's breakout hit "Clerks." Smith, director Bryan Johnson and their friend Walt Flannagan (who designed the clown) had fun one boring night by making up a dark backstory for the character. Johnson fell in love with the story and asked Smith if he could write and direct a film about it. Smith happily gave Johnson his blessing.

Trivia: The day John F. Kennedy was assassinated (11/22/63), school was let out early. When Maurey and Sam got to her house, it was 12:05 on the wall clock. When Sam went home, it was 12:25 PM. This makes it appear as though they knew about the assassination before it happened (around 12:30 PM), but Dallas falls under Central Standard Time (CST) and the movie is set in Wyoming, which is Mountain Standard Time (MST) or one hour behind CST. That is, 12 PM in Wyoming would be 1 PM in Dallas, Texas.

Trivia: Penelope Ann Miller spoke with Mary Kay Letourneau over the phone to get to know her and how best to play her for the movie.