Trivia: Penny Lane picks up William to go see Stillwater at the Riot Club in L.A. In the very beginning of the scene in her car, a reflection passes up the windshield over William's face as they are driving. The Reflection is the prism and spectrum from Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album. There are no other reflections in this scene.

Trivia: The bouncer working alongside Paul Whitehouse on the door of Manumission is none other than Steve McFadden AKA Phil Mitchell in Eastenders.

Trivia: The vampire's last name was Sackville-Bagg - Bilbo Baggins' relations in The Lord of the Rings were the Sackville-Bagginses.

Trivia: Gracie's and Vic's hotel room in the movie are both marked 103 for some reason. The crew did it on purpose, for reasons unknown.

Trivia: When he was filming The Perfect Storm, Mark Walhberg lived in a small room above the Crow's Nest. That's where his character, Bobby Shatford lived in real life.

Trivia: When Maurice is looking for Trish outside the CD store, you can hear him say, "I'm gonna find your Aaliyah lookin ass." Trish is played by Aaliyah.

Trivia: In the scene where Greg is entering the drug store, listen to the lyrics of the music playing on the speakers - they are very similar to his speech when he says grace in the dinner table scene. Obviously where he got his words from, but not immediately obvious unless you listen for it.

Trivia: When Milos Forman, who plays Father Havel, talks to Edward Norton about faith in the private quarters of the church he tells Norton that he came to America when the Russians invaded Czechoslovakia. He actually did so in real life.

Trivia: A scene in which Sebastian brutally and graphically rapes his neighbor was filmed, but was mostly deleted as test-audiences felt it made Sebastian far too evil. And thus, the version of the scene in the theatrical cut only alludes to the idea without directly showing it. The original scene was reinstated in the director's cut released on DVD and Blu-Ray however.

Trivia: Not a mistake, but a little extra. When we first see Doug the Head in the bar drinking and getting his lunch, the man on the right, reading the newspaper is director Guy Ritchie.

Trivia: When Novalee (played by Natalie Portman) is running out of the Wal-Mart after realizing that Willy Jack has left her, there is a poster above the door from Star Wars Episode 1. The poster is Natalie Portman as Queen Amidala. These posters were supposed to have been removed during filming.

Trivia: At the beginning of the movie when Benjamin is taking the children to Aunt Charlotte's house in Charleston, there is a woman on the street that does not move, and wearing a big hoop dress. She is there to hide the fire hydrant on the street underneath her dress.

Trivia: When Nyah is trying to convince Ethan to shoot her, she says "Do it. Now!" There is still about forty minutes left in the movie, but those are the last words she says.

Trivia: When Tyrone is making mashed potatoes, the prison guard standing behind him is played by the novelist Hubert Selby Jr., on whose novel the film is based.