Best movie trivia of 2000

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Remember the Titans picture

Trivia: Throughout the movie, it is implied that the Titans are underdogs, and the final game is depicted as being very close, with the Titans winning on the last play of the game. In reality, the Titans won the state championship by a score of 27-0 and held the opposing team to minus 5 yards total offense. They also finished the season ranked second in the nation.

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28 Days picture

Trivia: On the first day, Dominic West (Jasper) was asked by the script supervisor, "Are you an alcoholic?" Well, Dominic thought to himself, "Crikey," then he felt incredibly self conscious, and so he replied, "Yeah, probably." Then the script supervisor said, "No, no! I meant your character."

Super Grover

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Left Behind: The Movie picture

Trivia: When Buck is live on air, there is a guy saying "That's our Buck". This is a cameo of the singer/songwriter Bob Carlisle, famous for his song 'Butterfly Kisses'.

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Pokemon 3: The Movie picture

Trivia: In the original Japanese trailer, most of the scenes were fully animated, yet not used in the final cut. Some of the shots were Ash standing on top of a crystal pillar, as the camera pans around him and he is searching for something, a bunch of random wild Pokémon running away from the crystallization, and a shot of Mewtwo standing at the entrance of a cave with lightning cracking behind it. Supposedly, the 3rd and 4th movies were to inter-connect, with Mewtwo being the one who connects them. Perhaps the anime producers decided to throw that away and instead advertise the then-new Pokémon Crystal game? After all, several elements from the game (the Unown, Suicune, Celebi) appeared in both movies.

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Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker picture

Trivia: The candy factory name, Jolly Jack, is a tribute to "Jolly" Jack Kirby, a legendary comic book artist and writer.

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The Crimson Rivers picture

Trivia: Director Mathieu Kassovitz has two cameo appearances in the film, one as the hooded killer in the doctor's house who shoots at Jean Reno and another as the voice over the CB talking about the Lada car to Vincent Cassel. He was also supposed to have played the role of a policeman in this film but the character was dropped.

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The Legend of Bagger Vance picture

Trivia: This book and subsequent movie is loosely based on the Bhagavad Gita. Arjuna (R. Junuh) is counseled by Krishna, one of the most beloved deities in the Hindu pantheon.


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More Ready to Rumble trivia
More Bedazzled trivia
Jalla! Jalla! picture

Trivia: When Lisa is mad because she can't meet Roro's family, she angrily storms off and Roro calls "Lisa stop" after her. The little girl who eyes them and then mocks Roro by crying "Lisa stop" and storming off is not supposed to be there. Somehow, she got in the middle of the take and they thought what she did was funny, so they kept it in.

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Thirteen Days picture

Trivia: This is the second JFK-related film starring Kevin Costner in which he has played someone other than Kennedy. The first was 'JFK'.

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More Erin Brockovich trivia
Hamlet picture

Trivia: The only lines that are not from the original Shakespeare play are messages played by machines.

Cubs Fan

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Highlander: Endgame picture

Trivia: The character of Manny, one of Kell's posse, is played by Vernon Rieta, who has been Adrian Paul's Hung Gar Kung Fu teacher for years.

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Shanghai Noon picture

Trivia: As usual, Jackie Chan made his stunts all by himself, but with a new trick on the list: he had never ridden a horse before.

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Nurse Betty picture

Trivia: The 'stain on our country's history' line as Morgan Freeman used in the scalping scene is the same line as Morgan Freeman used in his role in 'lean on me'.

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Brother picture

Trivia: The author of the short story this movie is based on (Garrett Murphy) had his name removed from all credits after seeing the movie for the first time. The story has nearly zero visible violence in it, unlike the ultra-violent film version.

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The Art of War picture

Trivia: The name of the restaurant that's fronting for the sex dance club is a decent pun - Lo Kee Restaurant.

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High Fidelity picture

Trivia: When Rob and Laura are lying in bed listening to Ray aka Ian have sex, Laura is reading a book called Love Thy Neighbor. Later on we learn that Laura indeed did love her upstairs neighbor.

More High Fidelity trivia
Ginger Snaps picture

Trivia: In the DVD's deleted scene sections, we see what happens to Pamela Fitzgerald in the Halloween party - she is confronted by two policemen and she shows them what she has in the clear plastic tupperware, which contains the fingers of Trina. The police arrest her on the spot and take her away, leaving Sam and Brigitte to save Ginger.

Allister Cooper, 2011

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