Rachel Lang: Please. Don't leave me. I don't have anyone. Please, God... let me die.

Theo Calder: I'm Dr. Calder. You've been charged with one count of murder and found incompetent to stand trial.
Pete: She had a demon in her for a while. My neighbour, Mrs. Karsh.
Theo Calder: Mm-hmm.
Pete: It would come and go. Nobody saw it... except me.
Theo Calder: What did it look like, the demon?
Pete: Um... Did you ever see "Alien" with Sigourney Weaver?
Theo Calder: It looked like a giant insect?
Pete: No. It looked like Sigourney Weaver.

Maurice Bendrix: I am a jealous man.

Tammy Metzler: If you died right now, I would throw myself into one of my Dad's cement trucks and get poured into your tomb.

Assistant at Bewitched: You're wanted on the set.
Lucille: Honey, I'm wanted in seven states.

Elizabeth: I also enrolled her in a calligraphy class, an origami class. I even got her into that.
Dr. Johnson: She doesn't want to do those things. They don't interest her. They don't work for her.
Elizabeth: Maybe Carla doesn't know what works for her.
Dr. Johnson: And you do.
Elizabeth: I think so. I'm her mother.
Dr. Johnson: That's why she tried to hitchhike over 200 miles to get back here?

Ghost Dog: Even if one's head were to be suddenly cut off, he should be able to do one more action with certainty. With martial valor, if one becomes like a revengeful ghost and shows great determination, though his head is cut off, he should not die.

Orson Welles: I expected better of you, Mank.
Herman Mankiewicz: Me too, but I got used to it.

Alan Mann: I can't fart loud enough to express my opinion.

Quentin: They watched us get arrested. We're practically ex-convicts. They'll never dance with us.
O'Dell: Jesus, Quentin, you don't know anything about women.

Larry Mann: There are people in this world, Bob, who look very official while they are doing what they are doing. And do you know why?
Bob Walker: Why?
Larry Mann: Because they don't know what they are doing. Because if you know what you are doing, then you don't have to look like you know what you are doing, because it comes naturally.