Trivia: The film is a remake of Shakespeare's comedy play "The Taming of the Shrew".

Trivia: The blonde woman that Edward Furlong hooks up with in the bar is played by Shannon Tweed, the real-life partner of Gene Simmons from Kiss.

Trivia: In the opening musical sequence when they jump out of the pool, the lady behind Austin can be seen laughing because her swim hat has fallen down.

Trivia: Director Mike Judge wanted the story to be able to take place anywhere, so the state is never specified. Even the license plates on the cars are stateless.

Trivia: Kevin Smith once happened upon a demonstration against this movie by a group of Catholics. Since nobody recognized him, he simply joined in.

Trivia: Fun to spot - In the scene where Eddie Murphy is fighting the big guy, after a while he says, "I know a bitch named Della who hit harder than you." Here, he is referring to Della Reese, whom he fought with in Harlem Nights.

Trivia: The house with the blue door (William's residence) was formerly the home of the movie's screenplay writer, Richard Curtis.

Trivia: Throughout the whole movie, the cars in the backround are Volkswagon Beetles.

Trivia: Julian was played by twins Cole and Dylan. You can tell which twin is in a scene as Cole has a mole on his left cheek which is paticularly visible in close up.

Trivia: In the scene where Simon (Laney's brother) is rollerblading in the cafeteria, with a pepper grinder, he stops at a table and takes a tray from a pretty girl. If you look closely, that girl is Sarah Michelle Gellar.

Trivia: Near the end of the movie after Mr McAllister gets fired and we see full-screen shots of newspaper articles detailing the election scandal, if you pause the film at the third newspaper article (with the headline 'Carver Student Plans Lawsuit') and read it, you'll see that the director had a bit of fun with the viewing audience by inserting a couple of paragraphs into the middle of the story: 'If you've paused the film in order to read this entire article, your time would be better spent renting "Citizen Ruth" from your local video store. Do you know how hard and unthankful (?) a task it is to write these fake few stories for newspaper movie pages? I've got better things to do.'

Trivia: At the prom, the popular girls tell a couple that there's "no room" at their table. The couple is dressed like Mary and Joseph of the Bible, whom were told there was "no room" at the inn (and therefore had to give birth to Jesus in a stable).

Trivia: A little trivia for the American-Pie-Movies fans: The movie is obviously based in Michigan, as apparent by the dialogue of the characters and the frequent mention and appearance of such schools as the University of Michigan and Michigan State University. What most people don't realize, is that the characters live in a town called "Great Falls", which is based on the writer's hometown, Grand Rapids. Those of us fans who live in Grand Rapids, Michigan have so much fun with these movies because they contain one hidden reference to our town after another. For instance, the kids go to East Great Falls High School. One of the biggest and most preppy schools in the area is East Grand Rapids High. Also, the hotdog shop that the guys frequent, "Yesteryears", is a real place: only we call it "Yesterdog" and it's been a very popular hangout for almost 50 years. In the sequel, the guys go to Grand Harbor, a resort town by the lake. This is a place based on a town on Lake Michigan called Grand Haven. Many of us who live in Grand Rapids actually do this very thing during the summers. There are again, many references to Grand Haven (and Grand Rapids again) in the sequel, but the movie does short the audience on one thing: one of Grand Haven's highlights is a fantastic pier and lighthouse. The lighthouse that Jim and Nadia go to is pathetic in comparison. If you ever have the pleasure of visiting West Michigan, and are so inclined, be sure to watch the movies with a native and then visit the real locations.

Trivia: The character of Daisy (played by Heather Graham) is a thinly veiled jab at actress Anne Heche. Like Daisy, Anne is from Ohio, and, also like Daisy, Anne was briefly romantically involved with Steve Martin. Daisy's last lines about being involved with "the most powerful lesbian in Hollywood" are a reference to Anne's relationship at the time with Ellen DeGeneres.

Trivia: Immediately after General "Bloodbath" McGrath is killed by Loveless we see a little dog approaching the dead body and looking with curiosity at the device in his ear. This shot resembles the famous logo of the RCA VICTOR company .

Trivia: After Thomas has stolen the first painting and is coming out of the museum main gates, you can see a balcony in the background with a man in a bowler hat and suit standing on it. A clue to viewers who notice it maybe?