
Trivia: Kevin Smith once happened upon a demonstration against this movie by a group of Catholics. Since nobody recognized him, he simply joined in.

Matty Blast

Trivia: Kevin Smith has a love of Spielberg movies and makes reference to them in a number of his movies. In the scene where Silent Bob throws the pair off the train he remarks to a bewildered onlooker 'no ticket'. This is actually the same as in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, where Harrison Ford throws the German guard off the zeppelin and remarks the same line to a bewildered looking couple.

Trivia: In the scene where Jay and Silent Bob are watching Serendipity perform, one shot cuts from Serendipity to Jay who is running his hands down his face. This happens because half the shot was cut; Bethany had originally smacked Jay upside his head while telling Rufus what happened to her car, and Jay was pulling his cap back down over his head.

Trivia: When Jay drags Bethany behind the PA equipment and says that she'd agree to sleep with him if it was the end of the world, he pulls out a condom. If it's the end of the world, and existence is going to be undone, why bother with a condom? [It's a gag, rather than a mistake in the film. Worth keeping as trivia though.]

Trivia: In the airport scene, Bartleby is reading an article about the Mooby franchise (you have to freeze the frame to notice it). I read the whole article, and it listed every Mooby product...except the magazine. The same product Bartleby forgets in the Mooby Conference room.

Trivia: The icon, or mascot, of the Mooby chain is a golden calf. For those not familar with the Old Testament, this is a reference to the story of Moses and the Israelites. While he was on Mount Sinai receiving the laws and Commandments directly from God (which took forty days), the Israelites grew restless for his return and decided, basically, to write him off. They then gathered all their golden earrings and melted them down into a new idol, that of a calf, which they commenced worshipping as their new god. When God, who had freed them, saw their fickleness, He told Moses to leave him alone so "that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them." Moses argued for their safety and eventually God relented, but the golden calf stands as a symbol of turning one's back upon the power of God.

Rooster of Doom

Trivia: In the scene where Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are in the gun shop you can see Ben pick up a knife and play with it. If you continue to watch Ben you will see him cut his finger; he then recoils with a look of shock on his face. This is joked about in the DVD commentary too.

Trivia: In Mallrats and Clerks the events of both movies co-exist, but Mallrats takes place one day before, ex. the girl who dies at the YMCA is mentioned in both movies, but never actually shows up as a character. In Chasing Amy, Jay has the train tickets in his pocket, thus setting up his and Silent Bob's adventure in Dogma. At the end of Dogma, Jay tells Silent Bob to go hang out at the Quick Stop beginning his adventure in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. In every Kevin Smith movie references are made to his previous ones (mostly character reminiscing about their past actions).

Trivia: When they are in the bar watching the reign of terror at the church on the news, the newscaster is Brian O'Hallorahan (Dante Hicks from Clerks) making his fourth appearance in a Kevin Smith film. (He was suitor #3 in Mallrats (called Gil Hicks), and an executive in Chasing Amy). Also making a cameo is Jeff Anderson (Randal from Clerks) as the gun salesman. Several other Clerks minor characters also appear as well, as they do in all Kevin Smith's films.

Trivia: Not really to do with the film, more the back of the UK DVD (maybe other countries/formats as well). It's traditional in the blurb on the back to mention the cast, with an example or two of other films they've been in. For example: Ben Affleck (Armageddon, Shakespeare in Love, Good Will Hunting), and Alan Rickman (Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, and Die Hard). All good examples. However, when they get to Chris Rock, they mention Lethal Weapon 4 (of course), Dr. Dolittle (hmm), and...Beverly Hills Cop 2! He had a miniscule part in that, 12 years ago! Most people don't even know he was in it! He had a bigger part in Beverly Hills Ninja! I don't even see why they had to mention 3 films, as Linda Fiorentino and Alan Rickman only get 2. Little thing, but it bugs me.

Jon Sandys

Trivia: Emma Thompson was originally slated to play God, but had to back out in order to have her baby.

Trivia: Kevin Smith jokingly told Jason Mewes to not mess up during filming due to Alan Rickman - a famous and very well-respected British actor - being cast in a major supporting role and sharing screentime with Mewes. A few days later, Mewes informed Smith that he had perfectly memorized every single word of the script, and shocked Kevin by confirming this by reciting several scenes word-for-word from memory. Mewes stated he did this because he wanted to "Piss off that Rickman guy." Rickman and Mewes ended up becoming friends on-set.

Trivia: Not a mistake, something interesting to note. After Bethany meets up with Rufus and they are at the Mooby restaurant, Rufus reveals that Bethany once let a boy named Bryan Johnson urinate on her hand. One of the protestors at the abortion clinic, the one that yells at Janeane Garofolo, is played by a guy named Bryan Johnson.

Trivia: Listen closely to what Jay tells Loki on the train. He's describing one of his and Silent Bob's attempts to dispatch of "La Fours" in Mallrats.

Trivia: This film is currently unavailable for streaming or digital purchase because the rights are held by the Weinstein brothers, and Kevin Smith's offers to purchase the rights were rejected.


Trivia: In the Golgotha ​​scene, there is a clear reminiscence of Batman, a superhero loved by the director. The excrement monster is a parody of Clayface, Batman's enemy. For the avoidance of doubt, the monster quotes Batman's enemy from the comic Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth by Morrison and McKean: "I was born screwed into existence."


Trivia: Kevin Smith shows his great love for comics by putting a Hellboy T-shirt on one of the three sinister hockey players.


Continuity mistake: The writing on the second book from the left on the right of Bethany's bed changes colours in different scenes.

More mistakes in Dogma

Bethany: I don't want this, it's too big.
Metatron: That's what Jesus said. Yes, I had to tell him. And you can imagine how that hurt the Father - not to be able to tell the Son Himself because one word from His lips would destroy the boy's frail human form? So I was forced to deliver the news to a scared child who wanted nothing more than to play with other children. I had to tell this little boy that He was God's only Son, and that it meant a life of persecution and eventual crucifixion at the hands of the very people He came to enlighten and redeem. He begged me to take it back, as if I could. He begged me to make it all not true. And I'll let you in on something, Bethany, this is something I've never told anyone before... If I had the power, I would have.

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Question: Metatron tells Bethany that Bartleby and Loki have been clued into a loophole in catholic dogma that would allow them back into heaven. What does he mean by "catholic dogma"?

Answer: Roman Catholic is the oldest of the Christian Churches, and the one from which all others (Eastern Orthodox and Protestant) have separated. Dogma is the core tenets of a given religion, the ideas that make up that religion and which can never be changed, because to do so would destroy the entire belief system (contrasted with doctrine, common beliefs and interpretations held by a church that can change over time). So Catholic dogma is the specific, basic beliefs of the Catholic Church, in this case, "God is infallible."


Yes, the Orthodox Church did separate, but you're false in that the Roman Catholic Church is the oldest of the Christian churches. Historically, the Greek Orthodox Church is the oldest.

The first Pentecost was Shavuot. The first Church was Assembled in the Wilderness. #HolyBartender.

Answer: There is a difference between Catholic with a capital c and catholic with a small c. With a capital c it is in reference to the catholic church. With a small c it is in reference to the christian faith. For example in the protestant apostles creed it says I believe in the holy catholic church meaning the christian faith.

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