Trivia: In Jerry Devine's office, the floor-to-ceiling black and white photograph of a glamorous woman is Eddie Izzard (Jerry) in drag.

Trivia: Chris Tucker ad-libbed much of his dialogue for the movie.

Trivia: The police car they use is marked as "K-9 - canine patrol". John Belushi's brother James was in a movie called K-9. He was meant to appear in this, but couldn't due to other commitments.

Trivia: Viggo Mortensen is an accomplished painter, and most of his character's paintings are his own.

Trivia: The first Spanish song performed by Cheech Marin, Paulie, and the parrots in the cantina is the same song sung by Antonio Banderas and his mariachis in the opening sequence of "Desperado". Cheech Marin is the cantina owner in the other film as well.

Trivia: Dog makes a quote from Winston Churchill, and a reference is made by XXXX and Jimmy in Layer Cake. Matthew Vaugn, the producer of Lock, Stock is also the director of Layer Cake.

Trivia: If you happen to have the DVD version of the film, have a look at one of the trailers. In the movie trailer they show the comet hitting the ocean at an almost right-angle. In the actual movie the comet enters the atmosphere at an angle, thus letting the people watch the comet travel to across the sky into the ocean.

Trivia: The special edition DVD shows an alternate ending: the ending from the novel in which the reincarnation is not a choice, but part of the natural order. Chris and Annie will meet again in their new lives, but Annie must atone for killing herself. Her new incarnation will die young, and Chris will spend the remainder of this life as a widower before the two are again reunited in Heaven. The film then goes to Sri Lanka where a woman is giving birth to a girl, presumed to be Annie. In Philadelphia, a boy is born, presumably Chris.

Trivia: The film's cover of "Another Brick in the Wall" (Parts 1 and 2) were performed by a band called "Class of '99." The band was a super-group made up of members from prominent 80's and 90's rock bands. (Including members of Alice in Chains, Rage Against the Machine, and Jane's Addiction.) The band was formed exclusively to record the covers for the soundtrack, and disbanded immediately after the film's release.

Trivia: Bob Uecker says Adams could be called for necessary roughness. "Necessary Roughness" was a film Scott Bakula starred in.

Trivia: As a gag on set, Bokeem Woodbine, who plays Crunch, stuffed socks into his underwear in the locker room scene before they go to the hit at the beginning of the movie.

Trivia: When Sargent Todd's combat and military record appears on screen, just before the title "between wars" is shown, you can see his different decorations. They refer to Kurt Russell's acting roles: "Plissken patch" (from "Escape from New York/LA"), "McReady" ("The Thing"), "Cash Medal of Bravery" from "Tango and Cash", and "O'Neil Ring Award" from "Stargate" where he played Jack O'Neil.

Trivia: This film has a few links to Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV program. The stoned guy with the brownies is Jessie who only appears in the first 2 episodes before getting turned into a vampire and getting killed by Xander. There is a girl who is staring at a banana - this is Amber Benson who played Willow's girlfriend Tara and finally and most obviously Seth Green who plays Kenny went on to play Willow's boyfriend Oz. See this website for more: http://www.buffyguide.com/galleries/multiple/canthardly.php.

Trivia: Meg Ryan's bookstore is called "The Shop Around the Corner." This is a reference to the 1940 Jimmie Stewart/Margaret Sullivan movie of that name, upon which "You've Got Mail" was loosely based.