Trivia: The name of Truman's boat is the "Santa Maria" - a ship sailed by Christopher Columbus. It is symbolic of going to a new land or a "new" place.

Trivia: Johnny Depp passes an old bald man with hippy glasses sitting down surrounded by women - this is author Hunter S. Thompson himself in a cameo.

Trivia: In the evidence depository in the beginning you can see Jason Voorhees' hockey mask (Friday the 13th), Leatherface's chainsaw (Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Michael Myers' mask (Halloween), and Freddy Krueger's glove (Nightmare on Elm Street). (00:00:45)

Trivia: 2 differences between The Bible and the Movie. 1) Aaron did not doubt Moses in the Bible. In fact Aaron did most of the speaking before Pharaoh and actually performed some of the miracles. 2) Moses murdered the Egyptian task master. He did not accidentally kill him. Pharaoh wanted to kill Moses because of this, not try to convince him to stay.

Trivia: As Hal meets Meredith coming out of an elevator in the hotel, she is mumbling "Let's Get Together", which was a song from the original movie.

Trivia: Dropping Ted while he was on the stretcher was not intended, it accidentally collapsed. When it did, the Farrelly brothers called cut to make sure Ben Stiller was alright, and then just left it in.

Trivia: After Rodmilla and her daughters leave for the masque, during the next scene at the royal palace a large sculpture can be seen in the courtyard, especially in some closeups from different angles, such as when Gustave approaches Leonardo. This mythologically themed sculpture consists of a tailed figure riding upon one of two creatures holding their reins, with a ship behind them. This sculpture can be seen during the very first scene, albeit with a few changes. When Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm walk into the Grande Dame's chamber she is sitting up in an unusual type of bed. Note the bed's "headboard" and "footboard" are the ship hull (in the fullscreen version the bed's side is visible with its distinctive design), and we also see the creatures (minus their horns) with the rider's arm holding their reins at the foot of the bed. Something else to notice near the end, when Leonardo gifts the young couple the belated wedding present the room they're all in is not in the royal palace, they are in the manor, gathered in the dining room where Marguerite had burned Danielle's book Utopia.

Trivia: At the beginning of the movie, when The Dude is writing a check for the cream at the grocery, look at the date on the check. Sept 11, 1991. A few seconds later we see George Bush Sr. talking about Iraq. So here we have a scene containing Sept. 11th, George Bush and references to the Middle East in a movie that takes place in 1991. (00:03:00)

Trivia: When Ryan (Leslie Nielsen) jumps away from the bus as it gets hit by a train, Ryan lands on a bicycle that doesn't have a seat. In the movie The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell Of Fear, Frank Drebin (also played by Leslie Nielsen) tells Hapsburg that the truth hurts, but not as much as jumping on a bicycle with no seat.

Trivia: The trivia and in jokes abound in this film. Firstly, you have Janet Leigh (Jamie Lee Curtis' mother) playing Norma (reference to Psycho) and complaining that the "showers are blocked again" (second reference to Psycho). In her last scene in the film, Janet Leigh is about to get into and drive away in the same car that she used in Psycho.

Trivia: The cat that Gene Hackman has is the same cat that was in Men in Black, and similarly, the cat is put into a bag in this film just like in MIB.

Trivia: In the courtroom scene, all the people that have turned to color have to sit on the upper level. This is reminiscent of "To Kill a Mockingbird" (1963) where, in a similarly-built southern courthouse in the 1930's, all the "colored people" (African Americans) were relegated to the upper level.

Trivia: The pivotal role of "Minnesota Ryan", the Private Ryan that Captain Miller mistakes for the Private Ryan for whom he is searching, is played by a very young and, at the time quasi-unknown, Nathan Fillion.

Trivia: In the Marvel Comic series where the characters originate from, Deacon Frost was actually an elder man, and an alchemist who dabbled in vampirism and - via one of his experiments - turned himself into a unique vampire who could create doppelgangers of his victims.

Trivia: The bees in the dome scene are real (there were about 30,000 of them). David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson were actually in the dome with them, and neither of them wore protective gear, but weren't stung nonetheless.