Continuity mistake: In the scene where Fantine is dying, she asks Jean Valjean to give a necklace to Cosette. There is a closeup of Fantine's head and neck and Valjean's hands enter the shot and begin to remove the necklace. A moment later she begins to cough and there is a cut to a two-shot of the pair from a few feet away. Valjean's hands are nowhere near her neck in the second shot.

Continuity mistake: After the photo shoot on the beach the characters are passing around a jug of wine that is almost empty in one shot, but each shot after that it is closer to full.

Continuity mistake: The young son of the Chinese owner of the violin is near-sighted and his glasses have concave lenses. When he attends the auction as an adult he is far-sighted with incredibly thick convex lenses.

Continuity mistake: When LV begins her big concert, she carries a microphone on a cord. But after her first song, a stand instantly appears on stage without any stage hand moving from the wings.

Continuity mistake: Vic is drinking at the bar and talking about his guilty conscience - or lack thereof: he holds his glass with his right, left, right depending on the camera angle.

Continuity mistake: When Frank and Martha are walking by the river, he is carrying her orange bag. At first he is carrying it hanging by a strap from his shoulder, but when the angle changes he is carrying it by a handle.

Continuity mistake: Rosina is meeting for tea the fish trader that she is supposed to marry. Her mother hands her the plate with cake, she takes it in the first shot, but she is taking it again in the following. (00:10:15)

Continuity mistake: When Lee and Chris go swimming they briskly towel off still a little wet. Yet a few moments later they're completely dry.