Private Reiben: You wouldn't shoot the kraut and now you're gonna shoot me?
Sergeant Horvath: He's better than you.

Prince Henry: I have been born to privilege, and with that comes specific obligations.
Leonardo da Vinci: Horseshit.

Patch Adams: You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you'll win, no matter what the outcome.

Truman Burbank: Good morning! And in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!

Queen Elizabeth: Have her then, but you're a lordly fool: she's been plucked since I saw her last, and not by you. Takes a woman to know it.

Emperor: The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.
Shang: Sir?
Emperor: You don't meet a girl like that every dynasty.

Lieutenant Danny Roman: A quick lesson in lying. See, this is what us real cops do: We study liars. Example: If I ask you a question about something visual, like your favorite color, your eyes go up and to the left. Neurophysiology tells us your eyes go in that direction, because you're accessing the visual cortex. So you're telling the truth. If your eyes go up and right, you're accessing the brain's creative centers and we know you're full of shit.

Miriam: Moses, hear what I say. I have been a slave all my life. And God has never answered my prayers until now. God saved you from the river, He saved you in all your wanderings, and even now, He saves you from the wrath of Pharaoh. God will not abandon you. So don't you abandon us.

Tom Booker: Is she going to be long?
Grace: Probably, she's on the phone 23 hours a day.
Tom Booker: What does she do?
Grace: She's an editor.
Tom Booker: An editor? Ah.
Grace: Just in case she hasn't told you, which she probably hasn't, I don't want to be a part of this. Okay?

Church: My daddy always said, "When you want to insert a nail into a piece of wood, don't do anything fancy or glamorous. Just take the damn hammer and hit the son of a bitch until it's in."
Colonel Mekum: And what the hell does that crap mean in English, Captain?

Lydia: Gerry, I'm a woman! We don't say what we want! But we reserve the right to get pissed off if we don't get it. That's what makes us so fascinating! And not a little bit scary.

Billy Brown: Just look like we are a married couple, spanning time.

Diamond: Make the money, don't let it make you.

Dr. Gonzo: You drive. You drive. I think there's something wrong with me.