Steve: Who says we want what we think we want? We want what we think we are supposed to want? Like what the books tell us to want. And the movies. That's what I wanted. Happy. Happy, happy, happy. Shit like that, ok? We didn't get that. That's the end of that. Ok? It's not... the end of us. It's the end of a dream, that's all. You wake up in the morning, the dream's over, so what? We're still here.

Shen Yuelin: You come from a country where the infant mortality rate is higher than ours.
Jack Moore: The reason you know that is we don't delete the records.

Ulee Jackson: You'll pay for the rest of your life for being a jackass.
Casey Jackson: Yeah, well, it's better than dying of boredom.

Liquor Store Manager: I said you'll have to leave or we'll call the police.
Kyle: Oh, relax okay?
Liquor Store Manager: That's it Barney, call the police.
Eric: Yeah, Barney cause you got first big guy? Hey ah, do you like this? Points to the bottle of wine.
Liquor Store Manager: Put the bottle back, sir.

O'Reilly: Jeopardy, Jackson. Always works.

Curtis Freley: Everyone who plays the game understands the rules.

Helen Holt: There's different kinds of love, darling. Some people you love no matter what, and others you love if the situation is right. To me, the best kind of love is the "no matter what" kind.

Don King: Black people don't get no credit for nothing. All we've got is one word. That word is motherfucker.

Margaret Drummond: The will to survive is strong, stronger than anything.

Ellen: What happened?
Det. Duvall: Burglery... She lost a lot of jewelry. Not to mention the house trashed, the cat eviscerated.