Father Stratton: You sold your soul.
Raphael: No, father, I sold my body. Like a whore.

George Lang: We must never forget that we are human, and as humans we dream, and when we dream we dream of money.

Ben Hood: Well, that's the whole point of the holidays, Paul. So you and your sister can mope around the house, and your mother and I can wait on your hand and foot, while the two of you occasionally grunt for more food from behind the hair in your faces. Believe it or not, we actually enjoy it.

Capt. William Rivers: I find it interesting that you don't stutter.
Billy Prior: I find it even more interesting that you do.

Stanley Motss: I bet you're great at chess.
Conrad 'Connie' Brean: I would be if I could remember how all the pieces moved.

Dalai Lama: I will liberate those not liberated. I will release those not released. I will relieve those unrelieved. And set living beings in nirvana.