Trivia: Disabled U.S. veterans would tell Gary Sinise that they were inspired by his portrayal of Lt. Dan in this film. Feeling humbled because he himself was neither a veteran or disabled, he established the Gary Sinise Foundation in order to help disabled veterans adjust to their new lives. https://www.garysinisefoundation.org.

Trivia: The Mask is based off the Dark Horse Comic of the same name. The only difference is that Dark Horse Comics carry a lot of dark tones in their comics. When Chuck Russell was directing The Mask, it was supposed to be set in that way. When Jim Carrey was given the role of Stanley Ipkiss, it was turned into a comedy.

Trivia: If Mary Swanson married Lloyd instead of her fiance she would become Mary Christmas.

Trivia: The dolphin was trained to retrieve many objects that were thrown in a pool at SeaWorld Miami. There were maybe 12 -16 different shaped and weighted items that she learned to pick up and place on the side out of the pool and water. One of the objects and the most important was a black rubber gun. Every single time the only object she would not recover was the gun.

Trivia: The actress playing Connie has the same surname as her character - Moreau.

Trivia: Kevin Smith wrote the part of Jay specifically for Jason Mewes, basing the character almost entirely on him. Despite the nearly exact replica of himself, Jason was terrified at having to "act" it out in front of the camera. Kevin gave a months worth of lessons to Jason in how to act like Jason Mewes. They even had to get him drunk before almost every take just so he wouldn't tense up. He was so camera shy that during the scene where Jay and Silent Bob dance there are no crew members around. The crew turned the camera on, then everyone went into the RST Video so he could dance by himself.

Trivia: The castle that is seen in the movie is an actual house in Austin, Texas, where much of the movie was filmed. An interesting point is that it is merely a facade; the rest of the house behind it is normal.

Trivia: The woman that gets her breast grabbed by Frank was played by Lorali Hart. Lorali also appeared in the first Naked Gun film as the woman on the ledge who gets both her breasts grabbed by Frank.

Trivia: The shots of Jamie Leigh Curtis hanging beneath the helicopter were pick up shots - it was mostly stuntwoman Donna Keegan. Cameron wanted an actual shot of Jamie Leigh Curtis - she had to be convinced to do her own stunt for it, with Cameron offering to hang out of the helicopter with the camera to get the shot. It was filmed on her 35th birthday.

Trivia: When Chaz is outside the radio station confessing to his girlfriend that his real name is Chester and he was a geek in high school, the guy in the crowd who shouts out "I was the editor of the school magazine" is Lemmy Kelmister, the lead singer of the metal band Motorhead.

Trivia: When Billy is fighting evil Jimmy, he says "Shadow demon, you shall not pass." Look behind Billy. The actual Double Dragon arcade machine is behind him, which evil Jimmy then kicks. (01:17:40)

Trivia: Bubba Smith was originally going to reprise his role as Hightower. One day, Marion Ramsey called up Bubba in tears wondering why she wasn't asked to return as her character Hooks. Bubba already knew that Marion was having some financial difficulties and said he would see what he could do. He called up the producers and asked if she could be in the movie. When they said that Hooks couldn't be written into the script, Bubba refused to take part in the movie.

Trivia: If you think the church where Charles nearly marries Henrietta looks familiar, that's because it's the same church where the Sheriff of Nottingham attempted to force Maid Marion to marry her in Robin Hood;Prince of Thieves-St Bartholomew the Great in London.

Trivia: Marshall Cooper is played by James Garner, who played Bret Maverick in the 1950s TV series.

Trivia: Before becoming an actor, Scott Patterson pitched for the minor league affiliates of the New York Yankees, Atlanta Braves, and Texas Rangers. Bradley Jay Lesley, who plays "Blackout" Gatling, pitched for the Cincinnati Reds and Milwaukee Brewers.

Trivia: During the hospital scene Al Lewis character Leo is watching a scene from "The Munsters" with Grandpa Munster - who was played by Al Lewis.