Best action movie quotes of 1994

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The Specialist picture

Ned Trent: Good. Nice sense of irony, blowing up the bomb unit. Ned, you may ask yourself, "Why is it my turn to die?" Ask God. He kills all the time. Why shouldn't I?

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More Dinosaur Island quotes
Terminal Velocity picture

Chris Morrow: Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti.
Richard "Ditch" Brodie: Excuse me?
Chris Morrow: KGB, for short.
Richard "Ditch" Brodie: Oh, come on! It's the KG-used-to-B.

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The Next Karate Kid picture

Sergeant Kesuke Miyagi: Ambition without knowledge is like a boat on dry land.

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Death Wish 5: The Face of Death picture

Tony Hoyle: Let the law take these guys down. You know, sometimes the law works.
Paul Kersey: And sometimes it doesn't! These people, they steal, they murder, they destroy people's lives and they get away with it! They have alibis, money, lawyers, power. They have everything.

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